I guess it’s official.  Now I can say I’ve been to Wyoming.


You remember yesterday when I mentioned that Derek has to work from South Dakota for a bit because of a runway closure?  Well, the part I didn’t tell you is that when my back was at its worst, I made plans to come and stay here with him for a few weeks.  The thought was that here I wouldn’t be lonely, I could do my work remotely and I’d be able to focus on recovery without any distractions.  So I got a house sitter and took off.


Things took a turn for the better, since I’m feeling pretty darn good.  Meaning that instead of laying around the hotel we’ve actually been able to go out and do things.  For starters we went to Devil’s Tower in Wyoming–which is only a few short hours from Rapid City, SD, where we are staying.


Don’t panic.  I’m being really good.  Walking, yes…but no strenuous hiking or climbing.  Seriously.  I’m on level with the elderly.


If you follow the Facebook page you probably saw a few images from our journey west when I posted a couple photos from our pit stop in Aladdin.  You see, we were nearly out of gas and I was about to wet my pants, so we decided to stop at the next “town” which ended up being this.

Aladdin General store

Yes, this is the whole thing.  It’s remoteness and back-in-time air has caused the general store to become a bit of a tourist attraction.  The best part about the town of Aladdin is their fine, hand-lettered signs.  They were everywhere.  The signs on the door read:  “Great deals upstairs.”  “This town is for sale.  Store-House-Bar-Trailer Park-Post Office-30 Acres.  $1,500,000 Firm.”  “We will be closing at 4:30 pm for a wedding.”

Aladdin, WY

Naturally upon entering this other worldly place I forgot all about the need for a toilet and went upstairs to see all the great deals.  Antiques and curiosities of all kinds abounded.  Clothes, shoes, yard games, guns, vintage furniture, antique dishes.  It was all there.  As with the signs, everything upstairs was hand labeled as well.  Including this Swagger Stick.  What is a swagger stick, you ask?  It’s a really cool cane.

Swagger stick

In freezers on the first floor we were blessed to lay eyes on the country’s best bacon.

country's best bacon

In the bar, off of the main room there were coolers with all kinds of beverages and another hand written sign reading “Free Beer Tomorrow.”  It was shoved behind a book case…apparently they put it out sometimes.


Then I remembered why we’d really stopped.  So I asked about a bathroom at the counter.  The woman working told me there was an outhouse behind the building.  “Oh, how cute,” I thought.  I thought I was getting a real out-west experience.  I couldn’t wait to see the “outhouse.”  I mean, could this place get more kitschy?


What I found behind the building was not a tourist attraction “outhouse.”  It was a real outhouse.  Just a wooden shack baking in the sun.  Inside sat a wooden bench with two holes cut in the seat.  As soon as I opened the door I could see all the contents under the seat.  The smell slapped me across the face.  “Nope, not cute.  Not cute.”


I let the door swing shut on it’s spring loaded hinge.  And I held it until we stopped for lunch.


Welcome to Wyoming.


Come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you about Devil’s Tower.




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