Derek and I have been helping out at the youth group at our church. Together we are working our way through the book of Acts. Just a few verses at a time…slowly…but surely.
{This amazing photo is from L.A. Birdie Photography’s Flickr stream.}
This Wednesday we talked about chapter 8: 1-8. I’ve thought about it a lot since then. Here is the gist of the passage. The church is brand new and young. This had been going great, but suddenly Stephen was stoned for preaching and Saul {later, Paul} begins persecuting Christians. Violence breaks out. Believers are put in prison, beaten, or killed. The church then scattered throughout the region to avoid persecution.
And here is what verse 4 says:
“Those who were scattered preached the Word wherever they went.”
And you know what? The church needed to be scattered. The Good News, the Gospel, the Word…it had to move beyond the walls of Jerusalem. God allowed hard times, violent times to fall on His children. But, as always, His hands guide our paths and lead us to His purposes.
Often I feel very scattered. Uprooted, changed, challenged. Scattered. A lot of times when I feel like that I wallow. Like a hippo in a mud hole. I just wallow in it. Because, surely I’m the first one to feel uprooted and scattered.
But the reality is that this isn’t new at all. God uproots us all for different reasons at different times. Whether it means we move to a new house, a new town, or just change schedules or activities. We all get uprooted and challenged. Our responsibility is to carry the Word with us wherever we go. And not just to carry it, but to preach it too. {And I’m not talking about preaching in a street corner condemnation kind of way. But a loving, understanding, approachable way.}
Really, this is the meaning of life. Spreading His kingdom, preaching His Word, bringing Him glory. That’s what it’s all about. God has a plan in place to spread His kingdom to the ends of the Earth. And it involves you. And me. And everyone we come in contact with. His plan is elaborate. So elaborate, it may even seem unclear to our little mortal minds. But there is a plan. I promise you. There is a plan.
And that’s why you are where you are right now. Where you are living, what you are feeling, the struggles you are overcoming. They aren’t accidents. You are young to reach the young. You’re a mom to be relatable to moms. I work at the gym to reach those who want to improve their bodies, and who may need a little confidence boost. I live in Practically Canada to reach people here.
We are scattered from our comfort zone to better serve the LORD. Are you feeling lead to scatter? Have you been scattered? This is a blessing, friends. When He calls us to scatter apart, he calls us to a new mission field…with new lives waiting to hear from us.
Will you preach the News wherever you go? I sure hope so.

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