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Our Best Costume and How I Know We Don’t Suck
I love Halloween. That's no secret at all. One of my all time greatest dreams is to go to or host an epic Halloween party, just like the one in Hocus Pocus. Skeleton-clad musicians included. Even though I've never been to a party that great--yet--I've still had my...
{Image Via} The Bible shows us the very nature of God. You can look at it pretty much verse by verse and critically think about what just that one tiny piece of Scripture says about the nature of God. When we do this, we find all kinds of answers; because God is not...
Open for Business
You know how something just keep getting shoved to the end of your to-do list? If not, props to you. Maybe we can chat sometime and you can tell me how to quit doing that. But I digress. Something that has been pushed to the end of the line over and...
The Dressed Up Canadian
Remember in August when I told you about that awful, just awful auto-correct? Also, before we move further, look how cute my cat is. She's precious. You know, the one that said, "I have a Canadian all dressed up with no place to go." If you missed it, read...
Bad Apples
Yesterday we talked about bearing good spiritual fruit. Today I'm talking about bad apples. Originally this had all been one long post about the good and the bad, but I decided it was best to split it up. If you are hating the discussion of fruit, don't worry,...
Good Fruit
{click image for source} I've been thinking about fruit. Maybe because the weather has taken taken on those cool, fall overtones and I'm craving apples and all things made from apples {cider, pie, turn overs, crisp...} But as I think about fruit it's hard for me not...
Three Games to Stay Home With
Here's a few facts about me. 1. I'm cheap. 2. I'm pretty lame. 3. I'm a homebody. 4. I hate being cold. When you put that all together it adds up to equal a girl who doesn't mind spending her weekends at home, under an electric blanket. And--if you've...
Pretty Little Maids All In A Row
I love ideas. I just think ideas are the cat's meow. So I'm always excited when a friend comes to me with an idea that I can help with. I'm count myself blessed to have a quirky little skill set that can make lots of artistic/crafty/designy ideas come to life. ...
I Love It Here
I love it here. Northern Indiana, that is. It's just the best. I loved it here when I lived here. And I love it more now that I've been lots of places. It might not be the most flashy of places. There are no mountains or canyons or vast deserts. But there are...
Cultivating Contentment
{image via} I feel like I hear the same sentiment all the time. I have felt it, and you probably have too. I feel like it's especially prevalent among the millennial generation. Our post high school years were filled with computers, technology and recession. Jobs were...
Allene: Class of 2015
This is Allene. In case you haven't noticed...she has aqua hair. Which, automatically makes her about 30x cooler than I'll ever be. Sure, she may hail from small-town, Practically Canada, but she's edgy, urban and has a do-what-I-please attitude that makes me smile....
People Pleasing
"We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts." --1 Thessalonians 1:4b It's so very easy to get caught up in the people pleasing game. Especially if you are a yesser like me. You know, the kind of person who says "yes" to just about...
The Beauty & Charm of Nature
I love parks. Especially national parks. Especially now more than ever. My favorite of favorite things is hiking deep into the back country, to experience wilderness and solitude and beauty that you just can't access any where else. For now, I'm still sidelined from...
Andrew Class of 2015
Say hi to Andrew. He's smart, kind and has mad evangelical skills. Seriously. The guy knows how to integrate Christ into a conversation. During his session we came across a drifter, and this guy--this one right here--struck up a conversation, read a Psalm, and...
One Awesome Invitation
A friend of mine is getting married. So when she asked if I could create her invitation suite, I was set on making something super special that would be just what she wanted. My wedding gift to the happy couple. Chalkboardy, woodsy, quirky and fun. That pretty much...