stories about life's minute beauty, maintaining mental wellness, and cultivating a positive mindset--so we can all experience more peace, joy, and contentment.


All new blog posts will appear below. Scroll through, or pick a specific category to browse.


Sunflowers Round 3

Sunflowers Round 3

Sunflower Mini Sessions | Part Three   I am so happy to finally be posting the final round of Sunflower Mini Sessions.  Not that I'm happy they are over with.  That's not it at all.  It's just that the folks you see here tonight really got the run around.  First...

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That Weird Time at Devil’s Tower

That Weird Time at Devil’s Tower

Here's a story for you.  It's actually a continuation of yesterday's journey to Devil's Tower.  And I wouldn't be bringing it up if we'd only gone and walked around, then driven back to Rapid City.  But, as tends to happen, an awkward scene arose...and tonight I'll...

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Aladdin, WY

Aladdin, WY

I guess it's official.  Now I can say I've been to Wyoming.   You remember yesterday when I mentioned that Derek has to work from South Dakota for a bit because of a runway closure?  Well, the part I didn't tell you is that when my back was at its worst, I made...

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Medical Miracle

Medical Miracle

{image via} It's time I tell you a story.  The ending isn't finished yet, but I'll tell you what I know up to this point.  At the end of the post you might think I'm crazy, or a wishful thinker, or an exaggerator.  But I don't think any of those are true {well...not...

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Art and Autocorrection

Art and Autocorrection

After I posted the first Community Canvas I did for Minot's Arts in the Park program I got a lot of positive feedback.  Enough people took notice that I was contacted by someone involved with the Festival on Main, an annual end of summer street festival.  She asked if...

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image via Those of you who have worked with me or close to me {especially in my early self-employment years} know that I'm not opposed to taking unusual payment.  I guess in that sense I'm very old fashioned.  The kind of girl who could accept a dozen eggs for an hour...

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Michelle and Dan {Mystery solved.}

Michelle and Dan {Mystery solved.}

  Mystery solved.  It's Michelle and Dan!  A long journey has led to this point and I couldn't be more thrilled to share their pregnancy announcement with you.  For the record--this is my favorite chalkboard I've ever drawn for a session.  So sit back and enjoy. ...

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Sunflowers Round 2

Sunflowers Round 2

Sunflower Mini Sessions | Part Two   Lots and lots of things going on this week...with tons of amazing photos on the desktop waiting for their turn to be edited, you can expect to be seeing a lot of pretty faces here on the blog in the near future.  But let's...

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Grace & Peace

Grace & Peace

image via As I've been memorizing Colossians there have been a few verses that have really stood out to me.  Tonight I want to tell you about one that has haunted me {in a good way, not a weird-creepy way} for weeks now.   It's Colossians 1:2. To God’s holy...

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It was like something from the movies.  A big crowd, all gathered and buzzing with excitement, even though it was 5:30 in the morning.  A breezy, chilly, South Dakota morning.  But most people didn't seem to notice.  They were too busy taking photos, checking the...

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Community Canvas

Community Canvas

Through the summer Minot holds Arts in the Park every Thursday and Sunday evening.  A few months ago, I was blindsided when I got a call from the Minot Area Council of the Arts contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in being a featured artist.   Arts in the...

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Sunflowers Part One

Sunflowers Part One

Sunflower Mini Sessions   Hello night owls!  I've been on the road all day traveling back to Minot from visiting Rapid City for the last few days.  But, as many of you know, my sleep schedule is pretty weird right I decided to go ahead and post a few of...

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{image via} Remember when I told you I was going to memorize the book of Colossians?  I'm happy to report that I'm still going strong.  And Derek is too.  I think everything is more fun if we do it together.  This included.  Especially since there have been days when...

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