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Different. Not Lame.
It's almost cliche to say that as Christians we are called to be different. It's something I grew up hearing, it's something I've said. And it's true. It's a salve we put on wounds and aches when our peers poke fun at us for not drinking at the party, or...
Under the Knife
So I had surgery. On my back. I thought I'd tell you a little bit about it. It started with a late night and early morning. You see, surgery was Thursday...and we had volunteered to host the Wednesday night youth group at our house. So when I...
Hey all! Well, let me tell you. Lots of things have transpired since I last posted. In case you missed the last post, it was the BIG, Fat Reading List. Much anticipated...lots of great recommendations from my most trusted readers. If you are looking for something...
10 Reasons Why I Love Senior Sessions {are you booked yet?}
It's senior portrait time! Have you booked your session yet? Do you know a senior that needs amazing photos? You should book with me...or send them to me. I love seniors, and I love creating amazing portraits at a reasonable cost--without silly print packages that...
Doors and Windows
It's been a while since I've given you an update on my back situation. {You can see the beginning of the ordeal here.} So I'll be quick. I really don't like to dwell, or complain, or belly ache about my circumstances. I hope you don't see this post as any of that....
Leah Grace {The Art of the Moment}
Everybody, meet Leah. She's new here. As in, new to Earth. So be nice. She was born on May 31st. And she is an addition to a beautiful family. You might recognize them. From Zoe's Cake Smash, Fall, Christmas, or--most recently--an adorable mommy and me maternity...
Moose Sightings
I could go on and on about our Maine vacation. But I've put a cap on my ramblings. So today is the last post about our trip. The last portion of our vacation was spent in the highland portion of the state, at Moosehead Lake. Since we only had 10 days to spend In...
Bar Harbor and Acadia: Itinerary and Tips
After leaving Boothbay we made our way toward Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. En Route we stopped at...you guessed it--another historic fort. This was my initial reaction upon realizing we were pulling into yet another fort parking lot. This time we were at...
The Summer of Yes
The response my sister sent me in a text took me by surprise. I'd done something on a bit of a whim. It was a shot in the dark, but I thought I'd text her to ask if she'd like to join in. Now, joining would require a 6 hour drive that would need to commence in...
Boothbay Harbor
We split our Maine vacation into three big chunks. After our day in Portsmouth we drove to Boothbay Harbor, where we would spend the first phase of our trip. Boothbay is an active fishing community. Like a lot of coastal Maine villages, Boothbay stays pretty quiet...
Portsmouth and Things
So upon finding my suitcase was filled with a lot of purple clothing, inappropriate for the weather conditions, I did manage to dress and we spent most of the day in Portsmouth, NH. {Image source here.} Let me tell you, that was a majorly good decision. Portsmouth...
What Not to Pack
Sometimes moments in my life pass by in a blur. I remember bits and pieces of them, but the details are all foggy. Then I snap to it, look back and wonder, "What the heck was I thinking." A moment like that pretty much kicked off my vacation just over a week ago....
Quick–Get the Teacher Something
As you know, school is wrapping up. I know of a few schools that have let out already, but most of the teachers in my life are still at work this week. So, it's crunch time. If you haven't been trolling Pinterest for months to find and create a super...
The Art of Living: Molly
I think we can all agree that life doesn't always follow our self-designed plans and paths. My friend Molly is no exception. {You might remember her from our 15 Ways to Clean Like a Pro post.} That's why I love her and I love this story. I find her endlessly...
Under the Tracks
Say "Hi" to one of my favorite families, the Gillman clan. Now, let me issue a public apology here. I'm very sorry I didn't get your session finished up and to you before I ran away to Maine for 10 days. But--I did get a sneak set up of some of my favorite images...