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About a week ago I found myself in Bismarck. Naturally, while there I was faced with a difficult decision: TJ Maxx or boutique shopping? I went the boutique route and found myself at a darling place called Junk Yard Chic. Their wares boast gifts of the salvaged,...
Make a Quick and Easy Photo Backdrop
I did some walk in portrait sessions about a week ago. So I made a new backdrop. Did I have other things I could have used? Probably. Okay, fine...yes. But I was in the mood for something new, something reusable, and something versatile. So I made a the...
The Art of Clean
Above Ground
In all the commotion of telling you about the what's been going on underground, I almost forgot to mention what's happening above ground. We are getting a new roof. This, however is a project we felt better left to the professionals. So, the last few days we...
Working Wife
Sometimes sermons haunt me. No matter what I do, I just can't stop thinking about what was said in church on Sunday. Sometimes it's a thought provoking--new knowledge of a well known passage. Other times it's convicting. Still other times it can be something else...
Underground {starting a basement renovation}
When we moved up to Practically Canada we had a few home options in mind. Derek moved up before me, so he visited properties and acted as our eyes and ears and gut instinct. I did the searched online and sent him addresses to check, names to call, places to scout. ...
Every Day Artful
I'll be honest with you. {As usual...I like telling you how it is.} I haven't had the best week. I started to write about it. But then I stopped. Because writing is a happy thing that I do. And I wasn't being positive or happy or uplifting or having an artful...
Allison and Zoe
Meet my friend Allison, she's the one with the belly. I'm so happy to call her a friend. She's one of those super-cute, super-cool moms that makes me feel like I could {someday} do the whole get-pregnant, be-a-mom thing. I had a great time taking some...
Funeral Food
Recently I helped out with a funeral at church. I have to say, it was quite a privilege. I mean, I spent all of my growing up years watching at the "church ladies" serving our congregation...making Swiss steak dinners, doing dishes after the pancake breakfast...
5 Secrets of Self Motivation
Something I get asked a lot is "How do you get so much done on your own?" As in, how do I stay so self motivated and self disciplined to get all the things done that I heap on top of my life. I've always been a busy bee. It's just kind of how I roll. But lately...
Ariel: The Art of Senioritis
This is Ariel. Isn't that just the best name? I've never known an Ariel. But boy am I glad I met this one. She called me up...looking for a senior portrait session. You see, she's graduating this spring. Yeah, a little late in the game. She even told me she...
It’s Sprung
I hope you all had a lovely Easter. We did. A last minute change of plans meant Derek and I found ourselves, leisurely with no plans. We did church, lunch out {got seated right away} with friends, then dinner and games with a family kind enough to take us in for...
Whimsical Windmill Wall
I feel like you can put just about anything on your walls and call it art. Growing up we had a couple paintings in our home. I don't remember all of them, but I do recall that one was a kind of creepy sea captain. I don't even know what became of him. One...
The Longer Road
I know you remember Lindsay from Friday's Art of Living post. If you missed it, you should read that first, here. In addition to being a wonderful woman of God with a heart built for service and an attitude that waits upon the Lord...she is also a very gifted...
The Art of Living: Lindsay Smith
When I think about someone living well, I can't help but think of my dear friend Lindsay Smith. Now, she might not always feel like she's mastered the art of living, but in the years I've known her I have drawn buckets of inspiration from the proverbial well of her...