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The Art of Projects: Recovering Chairs
If you follow along on Facebook {which I hope you do...} you may remember a while back when I posted a photo of this chair on the left. Well, tonight on our very first "Art of Projects" post, I'll be showing you how I did it. And let me add this. When it was all...
A Struggle of Mine…
Hi. Do you like the new site? When I asked my mom, just a few minutes ago she said she missed the old site. She liked the new, but it'd take some getting used to. That's okay. I'm still adjusting as well. There are probably still a couple bugs. But I was...
The Art of Living Project {coming soon}
Thank you to every one who sent prayers and sympathy and well wishes after hearing about my back indecent. I've been off the blog for a few days {as you know.} There are two big reasons for this...First of all there have been some time consuming things getting in my...
I’ve Fallen And I Can’t Get Up
Most of the time the things I write here have some kind of meaning. Whether it's a lesson learned, project completed or a sneak peek so a client can share a glimpse of their session with family and friends...usually there's a point to the story. Today, there is no...
Send Some Love {30 Creative Care Package Ideas}
This week, a friend's husband headed out for a six month deployment. She asked if I had any ideas. Here's the truth. When it comes to mailing packages...I'm totally lame. So I scoured the Internet and found a bundle of folks who are doing the care package thing...
Giving Up {making lenten promises}
{image via OpenBible.org...with the biggest text indicating the most popular lenten fasts.} I'm not Catholic and I didn't grow up Catholic. It wasn't until I was in high school that I realized what Mardi Gras actually celebrated: One last day of fun and frolic...
One Wise Women {A Promo Sneak Peek}
Take a sneak peek at one of my latest projects. Cute, right? It's a short promo video for an upcoming women's retreat that my church {First Baptist Minot} is hosting in April. The theme that the committee is working with is "One Wise Woman." An over arching idea...
Mistaken Identity
Today I was shopping downtown at one of my favorite book stores. When I came out I went to my car and tried to open the door. Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, but I will anyway...I don't usually lock my car doors. Especially not when I'm in downtown PraCan. My car...
Honor Your Parents {Grownup Edition}
Sometimes, when I don't know how to start, I just begin with something obvious. It's a good jumping off point. Today I'll start with this thought. We all have parents. Whether they excelled at being a mom and dad, I can't tell you. But it doesn't change the...
Sixty Things From Susi
Youth Office Redo
Waaaay back before Christmas our church's youth pastor {who is also really cool and I also consider a friend} asked if I'd help him remodel his office a bit. Ummmm. Lemme see. Yep. It took a while to get off the ground because of all the holidays, but...
Kate and Bad Baby {puppy portraits}
Kate might look familiar. You may have seen her engagement session {when we ran for cover from the mosquitoes.} Or maybe you remember her gorgeous wedding back in October. You know, the one with the romantic saved-their-first kiss and read-a-Psalm-daily-together...
Cabin Fever
It's not a secret that winter lasts a long time in Practically Canada. The cold and snow blows in around October and doesn't leave until the rest of the country is knee deep in spring. {Last year we had one final blizzard in the middle April.} This winter we are a...
Chris + Naomi + Boaz {a family session sneak peek}
Since it's Valentines Day and all, I thought I'd show you some love. Really. Images of love. No, it's not a mushy engagement session. It's better. It's a family session. Meet Chris, Naomi, and Boaz. {PS, isn't Boaz, like the coolest name you've...
Cats I’ve Seen Lately.
So I'm working on an office redo for the youth pastor at our church. I was looking through the photos on my phone because I was sure I'd taken a good "before" picture there. Upon looking back I discovered two things. First of all, I never took a "before." Second,...