stories about life's minute beauty, maintaining mental wellness, and cultivating a positive mindset--so we can all experience more peace, joy, and contentment.


All new blog posts will appear below. Scroll through, or pick a specific category to browse.


Smash!  {Annabelle’s First Birthday}

Smash! {Annabelle’s First Birthday}

You've heard the saying, "You can't have your cake and eat it too."  Well, I've got news for you.  At Annabelle's cake smash session in honor of her first birthday, she had it {all over} and ate it too.  Look at her.  She doesn't care what old sayings tell us.  She's...

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Awkward Moments Related to My Age.

Awkward Moments Related to My Age.

I think everyone goes through spurts when they feel old.  I've been feeling that way a bit lately.  On top of that my sister and mother are having milestone birthdays this month.  {I won't say which milestone just yet.}  That all just got me feeling aged.  So today I...

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Indoor Winter

Indoor Winter

I'm used to waking up cold.  I'm used to going to bed cold.  That's the thing about Practically Canada from October to May:  It's cold. But this morning was different.  Derek had to leave for work very early, like 3:30am early.  When my alarm went off, I swiped it...

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Step into my cloffice…

Step into my cloffice…

Remember 2014's first project?  Yes, that hideous closet that I left untouched after completing the bedroom remodel...that's exactly what I'm talking about.  Well, it's done.  And I even had a day or two to spare.  It might not be as lavish as other cloffices floating...

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DIY Dry Erase Board

DIY Dry Erase Board

Well friends, Derek worked late last night...which means I was up late working on finishing the cloffice.  Today is January 29 and my goal was to have it finished by the end of the month.  Looks like I met the goal with 2 days to spare.  It's really nice when that...

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Bust Your Fitness Rut

Bust Your Fitness Rut

It's the end of January.  The "resolution" gym crowd is thinning out.  At the gym I work at our membership forms have stopped flying out of the folder. {Image from Women's Health Magazine} So if you are still sticking to your 2014 plan to get fit and shed those pounds...

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Puppies and Kittens

Puppies and Kittens

While in Louisiana I spent a good deal of time with one of my greatest friends in the world.  In addition to a lovely husband, she has three roommates full of personality and antics.  While staying over a snapped a few quick portraits of them.   Meet Sam. He was...

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I know many of you are creative types.  Like me you probably have the skills {and enjoy} whipping up a new wreath, making felt flowers, pretty-ing things up with scrapbook paper, doodling, stamping, sewing...   If any of that describes you, you'll probably also...

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Southern Comfort

Southern Comfort

I'm in Shreveport, LA.  If you've been a friend of the blog for know that before PraCan was home, this was where I parked my car and rested my head.  One of my best and dearest friends still lives here.  So when Derek found out he needed to come down for a...

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Polar Vortex

Polar Vortex

As you may have noticed, it's been cold.  Really cold.  Now, I'm not going to jump on my high horse and tell you that I'm better and more hard core than you because I live in Practically Canada and it's been colder here than wherever you are. That's not my game. They...

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Young. Wild. Free

Young. Wild. Free

I've been thinking about freedom.  It started with a devotional I heard on New Year's Eve.  Since then the concept of freedom has been tumbling around my brain.   The NYE speaker pointed to the song "Young, Wild and Free" as a cultural reference to what can be...

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Renew your zeal for the Bible with three days of exclusive devotionals! Interesting and relevant writings and reflection questions will remind you why the Word of God is so awesome. You'll learn a lot and you'll leave excited to know God more and grow deeper in your faith.

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free printable chronological bible reading plan

You've always dreamed of reading the Bible in chronological order. Now you can!

Getting my printable PDF plan is easy. It's not fancy, but it does fold easily into a bookmark, so you can keep it close by and easily see what's coming next. I hope you find it as useful as I do.

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