All new blog posts will appear below. Scroll through, or pick a specific category to browse.
The Thanksgiving Miracle
Once upon a time it was the day before Thanksgiving in Practically Canada. And bitter cold. The night time lows were getting well below zero and the wind chill was simply brutal. My parents were coming in from out of town later that evening, so I took a...
A Chalkboard Christmas {session faves}
My how I've missed you. Let's see...all kinds of things have gone on here since we last caught up. There was a Thanksgiving miracle--which I'll tell you about in a couple days because I need a few extra photos. I went to Indiana for a wedding. I got trapped in a...
The Hills Are Alive {10 things you didn’t know about the Von Trapps}
I hope a whole load of you tuned in tonight to watch the adorable Carrie Underwood and a whole cast of talented folks performed "The Sound of Music" live on NBC. It's good. I mean, it's not Julie Andrews...but it's really good nonetheless. As I sat watching,...
Gather Together
Did you have a happy Thanksgiving? I sure did. As most of my holidays go, the day revolved around being in the moment with family and friends. Oh, and it also involved quite a bit of food too. I'm a big fan of eating later in the day so that there isn't a big rush...
Baby Announcement Mini {a chalkboard sneak peek}
If you are a fan of the Facebook page, you may have seen a small post about a super secret mini session I did a week ago. Well...the secret is out! And now you get to see the big reveal. Some dear friends are expecting baby #2. You may recognize baby #1 from...
Happy Hunger Games
I know it's late. I had a crazy day. And there are a couple more crazy days ahead. That's okay, though. Crazy days mean you are doing something. No one calls a day spent on the couch binge watching Park & Recreation "crazy." A day is only crazy when you've...
Dakota Pearls {the skinny on the outreach}
Today is a continuation of yesterday's post. If you missed yesterday, start by reading that here. In this post, I'll be giving an over view of the ins and outs of our ministry. To start with, we are focused on the women working in the strip clubs in...
Dakota Pearls {North Dakota’s Strip Club Outreach}
A long time ago I told you about a ministry I felt called to get rolling up here in Practically Canada. In case you missed it, you can read the full post here. In case you've forgotten, I'll give you a brief refresher course. More than a year ago I...
Christmas Chalkboard Sessions
Thanks for the input on the upcoming Christmas sessions. I took your advice and made a giant chalkboard. Take a look. My floor is a chalky mess, but it was worth it, because this is precious. Here's the finished product. Email me, call me, text me, facebook me if...
What a Weird Day
Can I just tell you about yesterday? This is going to be a weird post. But it was a weird day. It started with a sleepless night. There was too much going on in my head. This week is pretty big on a lot of levels. I had a score to settle with an contractor...
Kate + Jacob {a wedding peek}
Being chosen for the job of wedding photographer is always an honor. It means that someone is trusting me with a once in a lifetime event. It's a tall order...but always a blessing. The blessing is just that much sweeter when the bride is a dear friend. That was...
Your Best Ever Christmas Card
Believe it or not...it's time to start thinking Christmas. If you are like me your Christmas card might just barely make it out before the holiday. Or it might not even get stamped until after the New Year. Well...this year I'm trying to bite that problem in the...
The Leave Nothing Behind List
{Photo via http://legacyproject.human.cornell.edu} I like solving problems. I always have. As a kid I got extra work in school. Extra math, critical thinking problems. Just because I liked problems. As you get older the problems don't stop coming, and you...
Ugly Shoes
Here's the thing. Yesterday I bought seriously ugly shoes. No offense to anyone else in the world that owns this pair of shoes. They are great shoes. I just think they look a little ridiculous. See, I've been sporting these bad boys for a year now. I got...
Boo Bagging
If you've ever visited me here in Practically Canada, or talked with me about this place, or read my blog for a while, you know I like it here. Despite the cold and the remote location, I like it here. Despite the small town living and the limited Saturday-night...