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Blue Letter
I learned about an amazing Bible study resource a few weeks ago at my Bible study. When I learn amazing, applicable things I like to share them with you. This one is good...and I apologize for taking so very long to get it up on the blog for you. I'm guessing...
Apple Butter
Jared {Class of 2014}
Where’s the Beef?
Like most endeavors that I undertake, this one didn't turn out as planned. Also like most of my endeavors, this one is comical. Which is good, because when something goes the route of the unexpected, it's always best when it's funny too. This year Derek and I...
So, You Feel Like A Loser
It's snowing. That fact alone is leaving me feeling a bit overwhelmed. When did it get to be practically-2014? I bet some of you are feeling the same way. Then I get overwhelmed by all the things I wanted to do and didn't do, and should do, and could do, but...
Tonight Practically Canada is expected to get mixed precipitation. As in rain...mixed with snow. It's only a matter of time now and winter will be upon us again. I love fall and I hate to see it come to a close. I'm a fan of sweater weather and the smell of...
Hannah: Class of 2014
This is Hannah. She's a senior and she is especially dear to me. Last year she approached me and asked if I could begin mentoring her. Since then, I've had the pleasure of encouraging this fine gal along her spiritual walk. I'm so blessed to call her a friend....
Perfectly Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Historically speaking, I'm a terrible pumpkin carver. You can ask anyone in my family. They'll relay stories of many pumpkin-induced rage quits. So this year when some friends asked Derek and me to participate in a friendly carving contest I was pretty nervous. ...
Look at all the fun mail I got yesterday. It made my day. There is no other way to put it. I wasn't expecting any of it. But there is was in the mail box. There was a bill and a piece of junk too, but they're not in the photo, because this is an image of my fun...
Good news everyone. The guest room floor was done in time for our latest house guest. And it's ready for the next batch, and then the holiday batch after that. I'm so happy with the results {especially the lack of old-carpet-smell.} And I apologize for these...
Dollar Store Hack {fall centerpiece}
I'm in love with Glade candles. So I was super excited when I came up with this easy, cheap and quick way to dress them up for fall. I just made one for an end table, but a group of three would be hefty enough to stand alone as a Thanksgiving centerpiece. {Photos via...
Something Delicious {Pumkin Coffee Cake}
I love this recipe. It's one that I wrote a few years ago for Thanksgiving. This year, I busted it out early. Because it's really that easy and that good. And the batter tastes amazing, so the bowl is totally worth licking. Here's the recipe. You have a couple...
Savanna {Class of 2014}
Savanna lives in the country. Shade dapples the property. Classic cars peek out from behind the barn...projects to be done. The grass is green, bunnies hop through tall weeds, the sun makes the color of the world vibrant. In this rustically idyllic setting, Savanna...
Make A Fall Garland
Many moons ago when I first started writing about all my projects and adventures, I wrote a post about an adorable fall garland I made with my mom. And since most of you weren't reading back then, and it's not fair that you miss out, just because you didn't...
Fresh Eyes
The problem with knowing a subject really well is that after a while everything we see about it seems the same. We start to read about it, whatever it is, then our eyes glaze over and we start skimming...because we have it in our heads that we've already seen that,...