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Mr. Dewey
I love the library. I love the smell of it, the look of it, the sound of it. Most of the time when I'm there I pick up an audio book or something non-fiction. I'm a constant learner, you see. Sometimes I think it'd be nice to just go to a section and look around...
Make Your Own Chalkboard Paint {tutorial redo}
If you follow the Facebook page, you saw that yesterday I was working on a couple new chalkboards. A while back a friend gave me a couple old window panes that she didn't need. It's been months and finally I've converted them into something useful. I plan to use...
Gretchen: Class of 2014
It's no secret that I love high-schoolers. Especially the girls. But not in a creepy way. They are living such an exciting time in their lives and there is still so much more to come. The energy, beauty and possibility found in soon-to-be graduates is infectious. ...
A Line With No End
Sometimes there isn't a whole lot to say. Sometimes a profound and mind-blowing thought will just wander its way into your head. There's no solving it, or changing it, or unthinking it. Last night I had one of those thoughts. It came to me while doing our nightly...
Fall In Love {Free Printable}
A while back I bought a bag of coffee that was one of those cozy fall flavors, like vanilla-pumkin-hazlenut or something. I really bought it because the bag was so darn pretty. The flavor was technically named "Fall In Love." On the bag there was a heart shaped...
The Last Bad Carpet
Here's the thing. Derek is going to be leaving for a few days for a little work exercise. And you all know what I like to do when Derek's gone...right? If not, look at this. Or this. Or this. Another thing you may know about me is that I have a deep felt...
Because Three People Fell in Love {Sneak Peek}
You know the phrase, "All because 2 people fell in love..." I'm sure you've seen it on picture frames, wall decals, signage above a gallery wall of family photos. A few weeks ago I had the great privilege of photographing one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever...
More Than Half Your Life…
Remember high school? Well, to be honest, some of you are probably still in high school. That's okay. This will apply to you soon enough. Because as all of us HS alum can attest to, the years after graduation go faster than free hot dogs at a baseball game....
Grinnell Glacier
This is it. Our final day in Glacier. Tomorrow we will move on to other things. I won't say better things, because after our short trip to Glacier National Park, I really don't think there are many things better than this...but I'll move on nonetheless. {Also,...
Glacier Day #2 {Rafting and Relaxing}
At the end of our first day at Glacier National Park I was so tired I dreaded even standing for the 15 minutes it would take me to shower. {You know how I get about showering sometimes...} So, needless to say, we were glad to spend our second day at a much...
Glacier National Park {Day One}
I've come to realize that there are two basic types of hikers. Those that find a trail and hike it...when they are done, they are content to do something else, maybe something a little more lax. And...those that make a list of trails. They set out to do as much as...
And Briggs Makes Six {the formation of a family}
I met Bethany a bit over a year ago. At the time, I was brand new to Practically Canada...and she had been here over a year herself. As we chatted over some delightful Qdoba I learned that she and her husband were in the process of becoming foster parents. They...
Red Alert
I've lived in North Dakota {aka Practically Canada} for more than a year now. And in that amount of time I've learned some things. Most of what I've learned has had to do with coping with seasons. Particularly winter. Go figure. One thing in particular that I've...
Not So Sneaky
Remember when I started the kitchen project? I wrote that post about how Derek never reads my blog, because he is around the real thing, which is pretty intense...so for him there is no need to check in and read the blog happenings. Here is a quick excerpt, but to...
Computer Guru
This has nothing to do with anything, but I feel compelled to tell you. Our TV is hooked up to a computer tower. We leave the keyboard and mouse out on the coffee table. We don't have cable. We watch all of our TV on local channels via an antennae or online. So,...