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Flying From North Dakota During the Coronavirus | Minot Monday
Happy Minot Monday! Thanks to BeLOCAL Minot for making Minot Monday possible. Today we're talking about flying from North Dakota during the Coronavirus era. Travel from Minot can be tricky, even more so when navigating a world in pandemic. Luckily BeLOCAL Minot and I...
Wait Expectantly | Planting Seeds For Next Season
I wish I was good with plants. But that's just not the case. I come from long lines of folks who are plant savvy. My parents have a massive garden that feeds the family all year. Their yard, patio and deck are adorned with flowers and containers all summer. My...
The Kitchen: Start to Finish
Last week I asked if you'd be interested in seeing the messy middle of our kitchen remodel--instead of just the pretty before and afters. The response was overwhelmingly positive. So today I've got all the dirty details for you. I'll try not to be too wordy and let...
Minot Monday | Denbigh Experimental Forest
Minot Monday is made possible through a partnership with BeLOCAL Minot. BeLOCAL helps you discover local favorites in your new hometown. Basically, it's a great guide to living like a local and quickly getting adjusted to our town. Check them out if you haven't....
The Kitchen Remodel | Acorn House
Today is the day. I've been putting this off because in my mind, the perfect time to share a big before and after post is once everything is done, complete, decorated and looking perfect. But that's not going to happen for a while yet. And I've already been sitting on...
Minot Monday | Minot Public Pool at Roosevelt Park
Minot Monday is made possible through a partnership with BeLOCAL Minot. BeLOCAL is a guide to living like a local and finding the best of what our town has to offer. Today we're exploring the Minot public pool at Roosevelt Park. Here's more on parks and summer fun...
Things Look Worse Before They Look Better | Trusting God in the Mess
Today I'm sharing an everyday devotional about trusting God in the mess of our lives. I've learned over and over that things usually look worse before they look better--and trusting God in the mess is safe. Read along as I tell you a story from everyday life and weave...
Reading Old Testament Law | 7 Ways to Refresh Your Mindset & Free Study Guide
If you are reading through the Bible, plan to, or have read it--you know that reading Old Testament law can be tricky (or nap inducing). Today I'm excited to share a few ways you can refresh your mindset toward the law. (You can get a couple reading plans here, or...
Minot Monday | Kid’s Music Classes in Minot at Children’s Music Academy
Happy Minot Monday! Minot Monday is made possible through a partnership with BeLOCAL Minot. Today we're talking about kid's music classes in Minot at Children's Music Academy. For more league and activity ideas check out BeLOCAL's listings here. It's my absolute...
Lesser Known Playgrounds in Minot | Minot Monday
Minot Monday is made possible through a partnership with BeLOCAL Minot. BeLOCAL helps those new to town live and thrive like a local. Today, I'm exploring the lesser known playgrounds in Minot. These are perfect places to play while social distancing may still be a...
Who Else Gets Confused By Spiritual Gifts? | The Truth About God Given Gifts
Once upon a time I was drawn like a moth to a flame when it came to spiritual gift assessments. I wanted so badly to understand my God given gifts and what they meant for my life. It took years of learning and letting go of some selfish ambition to understand that God...
Minot Monday | Splash Pads in Minot
Minot Monday is made possible through a partnership with BeLOCAL Minot. Today I'm sharing about the two splash pads in Minot. For more on our parks see BeLOCAL's listings here or my recommendations for great walks in Minot, here. Summer means splash pad season. And...
Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People? | The Ancient Question in Job
Today I'm confessing that I dislike reading the book of Job because it makes me very uncomfortable. It brings the ancient question: Why do bad things happen to good people? to the forefront of our minds. And calls for reflection and correction in how we view suffering...
Minot Monday | I Need Your Thoughts and Ideas
Minot Monday is made possible through a partnership with BeLOCAL Minot. BeLOCAL is a guide to living like a local and will help you discover local favorites. Help Me Make Minot Monday Even Better Hi friends and happy Minot Monday! Today is a unique edition of Minot...
God’s Boundaries For Us | Toeing the Line
I'm so glad you're here. Today I'm sharing an "everyday devotional." An anecdote from life, seen through a Christ's-Kingdom lens. Grab your coffee (or beverage of choice) and join me as we explore God's boundaries for inspired by a defiant toddler attending...