stories about life's minute beauty, maintaining mental wellness, and cultivating a positive mindset--so we can all experience more peace, joy, and contentment.


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Minot Monday | Roosevelt Park Zoo in Minot

Minot Monday | Roosevelt Park Zoo in Minot

As Minot steps into summer I'll be sharing some of my favorite warm weather activities with you. Today, I'm talking about the Roosevelt Park Zoo in Minot. Much of this information can be found at the zoo's website. I've compiled it here alongside my personal...

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30 Meaningful Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

30 Meaningful Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Hey all--and Happy May Day! Mother's Day is almost here--and if you are like me, you haven't given your husband ideas yet...or gotten you own mom's gift purchased and in the mail just yet. Don't worry. I've got 30+ meaningful Mother's Day gift ideas for you. There's...

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Minot Monday | Five Great Walking Trails in Minot

Minot Monday | Five Great Walking Trails in Minot

Minot Monday is made possible through a partnership with BeLOCAL Minot. BeLOCAL is a guide to thriving and loving your local community. Today I'm sharing my five favorite walking trails in Minot, but you can see more about parks and trails here. I think it's safe to...

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Renew your zeal for the Bible with three days of exclusive devotionals! Interesting and relevant writings and reflection questions will remind you why the Word of God is so awesome. You'll learn a lot and you'll leave excited to know God more and grow deeper in your faith.

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free printable chronological bible reading plan

You've always dreamed of reading the Bible in chronological order. Now you can!

Getting my printable PDF plan is easy. It's not fancy, but it does fold easily into a bookmark, so you can keep it close by and easily see what's coming next. I hope you find it as useful as I do.

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