Happy Minot Monday! I’m thrilled to be working in partnership with BeLocal Minot to help you live like a local and thrive in our town. Today I’m sharing insider tips on where to get mulch in Minot.
Don’t be fooled by the unseasonably warm weather. Cool temps are coming. Cold temps too. If you’re like me, I’ll be able to find you prepping your yard and exterior for winter. For me that usually means adding a bit of mulch to flower beds and around baby perennials to protect them from winter’s bite.
Here’s where my tip comes in. Let’s talk about where to get mulch in Minot. Did you know you can get FREE mulch here in town? Yep. Free. As much as you want. You actually have two options:
Mulch Mountain | The Forestry Department
Recently I talked with a crew from the Minot Forestry Department. They explained the city turns trees the Forestry Dept cuts down into wood chips/mulch. All these wood chips are piled up into what I’ve deemed, “Mulch Mountain.” Anyone can come by and pick up as much as they want (depending on supply.) You just need to provide a way to transport it–I shoveled some into a large landscape bag in the back of my SUV.
To access Mulch Mountain, go south on 14th St SE (drive past the Forestry Office/parking lot). Then turn east on Central Ave E. You’ll see a lot with a pile for your taking! See a map here.
City Landfill
If you’ve been raking leaves, you’ve probably taken a few bags full to yard-waste collection sites. What you might not know is all the debris from our yards gets turned into mulch at the landfill. Minot residents can go to the landfill and pick up as much as they like. While the pile at the Forestry Dept is mostly wood, this mulch may include lots of leaves as well–making it a good choice for bedding down for winter.
Same rules apply as from the Forestry Dept: bring your own supplies and haul your own. (For more on our landfill and what they offer, see this Minot Monday post.)
One More Thing
Many of you know I’ve started work on a book detailing my experience as a military spouse seeking help for mental health crisis. To support this work, normalize the conversation around mental health in the military and Church–or just more about life in Minot, join me on Instagram (just click follow below.) I’d also love to connect with you through my monthly letter, full of good words and useful bits–see more here.
Minot Monday is made possible through a partnership with BeLOCAL Minot. Today I’m sharing reliable ways to embrace life in Minot. These are the things that took me from newcomer to, “Minot is my town.” For more tips, lists and information on living like a local be sure to follow BeLOCAL.
For me, the hardest part of the military lifestyle has been moving. The seemingly endless uprooting and starting over. That’s part of the reason we requested to come back to Minot. Yes, we love it here–but starting over from the ground up is exhausting. Any military family can attest.
So, if you’re here for the first time, welcome. I’m glad you’re in Minot. I know what it’s like to be new in town. In lots of towns. Of all the places we’ve explored, Minot is close to the top of the list of places we most enjoy living. However, it wasn’t easy finding our place in town when we first arrived in the summer of 2012.
Through luck, a few good acquaintances and my tenacity to figure out how to live like a local, we eventually found our way. The truth is, there’s a difference between living in and deciding to embrace life in Minot. Only you can choose which you’ll pursue. Here are my best tips for settling in and beginning to embrace life in Minot.
Find a Church
Settling in and investing in a church home truly gave us a place in town. We made friends, became invested and contributed our skills to a cause we are passionate about: The Kingdom of Christ. If you are a church-goer, muster the tenacity to keep “church-shopping” until you find a good fit.
If you aren’t a church-goer, that’s okay too. Churches are great places for investing in the community or just forming relationships. Most Minot churches I’m familiar with would welcome a newcomer to town with open arms–whether your beliefs fully align or not. Join a small group, volunteer, play sports. Church is a great first contact for feeling at home.
Mourn Your Loss
If you are moving to Minot from a place you loved, it’s okay to be sad. Take time to mourn your loss. Being uprooted is painful, especially if you didn’t have a choice in when or where you needed to move next. Be sad, but don’t wallow in misery. Allow that wound to heal and intentionally seek ways to begin enjoying your life here.
Be Openminded
I say this all the time: Minot is unlike anywhere else you’ve lived. It’s my golden rule. Don’t expect Minot to be Dallas, Pensacola, Washington DC, Omaha, Shreveport, Salt Lake City, or anywhere else. It’s just Minot. Embrace it for the quirky, sitcom-vibing place it is. Stay openminded about the life you can build here.
Invest in the Community
Find something you love or hate about town and invest there. As a community, Minot is incredibly receptive to new ideas. Hop on board with something you love and are passionate about. Or, pinpoint something you passionately dislike and work to change it.
If you have an idea and plan, chances are others will rally around you. Minot is one of the few places I’ve lived where an individual can have a significant impact, even if they only live in town for a few years.
Be Social
Minot is a social town. Events happen all the time, and the folks who go to one event usually go to others. Start attending and you’ll start running into familiar faces. Keep up with the BeLocal Instagram feed and the Visit Minot calendar to see what’s happening. Be intentional about getting out year round and you’ll start to appreciate what Minot has to offer.
From a mental health standpoint, socializing will offer healing and isolation will only fester your wounds and allow lies and dissatisfaction to breed. I know it can be scary, but truly be intentional about getting out when things are going on.
Introduce Yourself
Making new friends is hard. I get it, but you can do it. Here are ten places I’ve made friends in Minot:
Kids activities (Fun Zone, Story Times, Library Activities)
Group Fitness Classes
Serving on a nonprofit board
Reaching out to people with like interests on Instagram
Taking a class
Military spouse groups/events
Being a regular at a cafe/restaurant/shop
You Can Do This
The season of change is a difficult one. But trust me when I say, Minot is glad to have you. Give it time, give it a chance. Minot might not be a dream home for everyone, but I believe anyone can enjoy their time here.
One More Thing…I Need a Favor
Recently, I started penning sample chapters for a memoir detailing my experience with mental health crisis as a Christian and military spouse. YOUR help will get the book published. The easiest way is click “FOLLOW” on Instagram or sign up for my monthly newsletter via email (below). Your support demonstrates interest in this story and these words of hope.
Above all, thank you for being here and for your support. It’s an honor to share my testimony with you and I’m excited to see the great things God does through your journey.
Minot Monday is made possible through a partnership with BeLOCAL Minot. Today I’m sharing the five Minot basics for newcomers I share with all the newbies I meet. For more tips, lists and information on living like a local be sure to follow BeLOCAL.
Five Minot Basics I Tell Everyone
Happy Minot Monday, everyone! I’ve had this conversation loads of times. Over coffee, cookies, or a walk in the park, I talk to someone new in town. In my best effort to help them settle in (without overwhelming them with my love of Minot) I rattle off these five basics. These are the five starting points I give everyone who asks me how to start settling in to life in Minot.
Get a Library Card
The Minot Public Library is a gem. It’s not just about borrowing books, it’s about community. Sure, go borrow books—but also take part in book clubs, children’s story time, and board game get togethers. Borrow tools if you’re new and need to work on your house. Borrow games and play them with your neighbors. Use the giant printer to create art for your walls.
I’ve met friends in town simply through attending library programs. I cannot say enough good things. If you’re new in town—get a library card.
Eat at Elevation
There are lots of great places to eat in Minot. However, I always tell new-in-towners to eat at Elevation. It’s just far enough out of town to feel away, just fancy enough to feel special and the scenery is pretty enough to take your mind off being in Minot. (Because, sometimes you need to feel like you are someplace besides a small town in northern North Dakota.)
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Utilize the Parks Department
I always tell newcomers to go outside when they can. There will be chunks of time in the year that being outside is not safe. Our parks department works so hard and comes up with great ideas year round.
In cool weather, watch for events like the pumpkin walk, movies at Maysa Arena or use the Fun Zone (which is a complete jewel and free!) Follow the Parks Dept for updates and fun ideas.
I cannot stress this enough: Minot has a lot going on. Like, way more than most other places we’ve called home. Also, activities are inexpensive, when compared to bigger cities or other places we’ve lived. I recommend scanning the Minot events calendar once a week to keep a pulse on what’s coming up. Also follow BeLocal and Visit Minot for announcements. This will help you dive into fun downtown and around town.
Find a Cause
Minot is a unique place where you have the capacity to do a lot of good. If you see something that can be improved, the community is very receptive to new ideas for making this a more enjoyable place to live. Find a cause to get behind. Once you are invested, you’ll start to really feel ownership—like this is your town…which, of course, it is.
One More Thing…I Need a Favor
Recently, I started penning sample chapters for a memoir detailing my experience with mental health crisis as a Christian and military spouse. YOUR help will get the book published. The easiest way is click “FOLLOW” on Instagram or sign up for my monthly newsletter via email (below). Your support demonstrates interest in this story and these words of hope.
Above all, thank you for being here and for your support. It’s an honor to share my testimony with you and I’m excited to see the great things God does through your journey.
In January, Derek came home with the unexpected news that he’d been assigned to an upcoming deployment. For me, momentum had been building steadily with my writing goals and I’d finally said, “Yes,” to God’s prompting to start penning a long-form memoir about my experience with mental health crisis. In that moment in the kitchen, after the boys were in bed and my hand was on the blender, preparing to mix my nightly protein shake, everything came to a halt.
Now instead of feeling creative and ready to move forward toward the things I believed God had clearly set in front of me—I was frozen. As if I was unknowingly playing freeze tag, this moment was my tag, causing me to stop midstride.
Have you ever had a moment like that?
My entire focus shifted. We planned for months apart. Seven, to be exact. Uneasiness and uncertainty welled up inside every time I thought about doing life without my husband for “most of a year.”
Writing is always a welcome outlet for me, but when military assignments, especially deployments, are in the picture, the best policy is silence. Unable to fully disclose was what happening in our home and in my heart, I wrote vaguely about anxiety and emotions. The headspace once open for writing, book proposals, and dreaming up creative endeavors was crowded out with dreaming up reasonable consequences for a defiant three year old and ways to convince an infant to sleep all night.
Hemmed in by daily responsibility, fatigue and operational security measures, I felt claustrophobic. Stuck. Lodged between the need for silence and the desire to share my heart transparently.
Finding Freedom Within Hard Circumstances
I had an image of a dog pulling on a taut tether in my mind. I was frustrated to be restrained in my pursuits. However, as in all difficult seasons, growth happened and peace grew once I stopped straining against the circumstances. Like the frustrated dog, when I stopped snapping my jaws at things beyond my leash, my throat relaxed and I could breathe again.
I wasn’t off the tether, I wasn’t unstuck—but I was able to thrive in the space I was given at the time. I was able to see the unique beauty and opportunity within these circumstances. God is a kind, responsiblemaster. The tether He gives us is always long enough for the space we’re in at the time.
I loosened my grip on the things I thought I’d accomplish in these months and allowed myself to be happy amid the daily grind of wiping faces and preparing PB&Js. It wasn’t a perfect practice. Many days I was overwhelmed and cranky because I remembered that I was stuck in some respects. But mostly, we were okay.
Moving Forward Again
Now, I’m coming down from a season of heightened awareness. The kind that comes from being vigilant for two. My mind is shaking loose. I’m becoming unstuck, dislodged. As a person recently stuck, here’s my advice:
Circumstances can leave you stuck, really stuck, but circumstances are faithful to change and you’ll move forward again. When you are stuck in one way, growth will be forced in another way. Find a way to weather the circumstances you’re in, even enjoy them. Eventually, the growth that stalled will move forward again.
Why the Deployment Ended Early and Why I Would Have Been Okay, Even if it Didn’t.
PS—for anyone wondering how seven months apart turned into four, it went something like this. Shortly after Derek left, President Biden announced all troops would be out of Afghanistan by September 11. That would reduce our time apart to six months.
One day in early June Derek mentioned the possibility of an even earlier return. Then, in late June, just days before I would travel to Indiana with the boys he told me his homecoming was imminent. We’d be back together after only four months apart. I was surprised that I wasn’t overwhelmed with giddy relief. Instead, I felt excitement, but also a deep confidence that we’d be okay if he really didn’t return for a few more months. This was puzzling at first, but ultimately a sign of growth, hard fought, well earned.
More Positivity and Encouragment
Let’s get to know each other. Join me on Instagram and Facebook where we can connect more deeply. I’d love to hear from you. Don’t forget to sign up for emails, so you can access freebies and never miss a post.
Minot Monday is made possible through a partnership with BeLOCAL Minot. Today I’m exploring ten great coffee and breakfast places in Minot. For more tips, lists and information on living like a local be sure to follow BeLOCAL.
Happy Minot Monday, everyone! If you follow me over on Instagram, you may know that my mom is in town for an extended visit: eight weeks! While she’s in town, we’ve instated what we’re referring to as “Bakery Day.” Each Saturday, we’re visiting a different bakery, coffee shop, or breakfast joint in town. Yes, I know they aren’t all “bakeries,” but to call it something else was just wasn’t as catchy.
Today I’ll try to hit a couple flies with a single swat, so to speak. Some of my top questions about life in Minot include: where are good places to get breakfast/coffee, things to do, what to do with visitors. This list hits all of those.
The following ten great coffee and breakfast places in Minot are not the only places. For us, criteria for a Bakery Day stop include:
Must have coffee–not necessarily espresso drinks
There must be something for Gideon (3 YO) will eat/drink too
Must have room enough for me to bring my littles along
These are the places on the “tour” I’m taking my mom on. (In no particular order.) I hope they’ll inspire you to get out, try a new place and enjoy Minot this summer.
PSB is a great stop any time, and especially great if you’ve got a visitor in town. It’s location makes it easy to pop over to Main Street and show off our quaint downtown to your family and friends. They’ve got good space, so you can find a table and sit. PSB is especially kid friendly, because they’ve got a kids’ corner set up with a play garden, farmers’ market and coffee shop.
The coffee is good, but as the name implies, the bread is even better. I’ve never gone wrong with a their toasts or cinnamon rolls.
Minot’s Daily Bread has a tricky parking lot, but it’s always worth it. I love the crepes (especially the Midwestern) and the scones. The coffee is also top notch. On weekdays it’s easy to find a seat and there is usually space for my crew at a table by the windows. On weekends, try to get there before 10 to avoid a rush.
Ebeneezer’s is nearly always overlooked as a place for breakfast and coffee. I’ll let you in on a secret though, they’ve got my favorite pancakes in town. If you’re into pancakes, this is the place to grab a quick and cheap breakfast. It’s family friendly and because the whole breakfast thing is a bit of a secret, mornings are usually pretty quiet.
Bearscat is Minot’s only true donut shop. The donuts are delightful (I’m particularly fond of their old fashioned) and there are lots to choose from, even if you aren’t an early riser. The coffee is pretty standard (drip coffee and espresso style drinks from a machine), but it goes down smooth next to a sweet donut.
Indoor seating has been limited during COVID, but in regular times there are a few small tables inside. It’s not the most spacious place in town, but still worth it for the donuts.
This one is new, even to me. Blissful Bee is inside Green Thumb Greenhouse and is open for its first season starting this spring. There isn’t ample seating, but you don’t need to sit to drink coffee or a smoothie. I’m excited to try this one and wander around the gorgeous greenhouse.
You know I love Schatz. If you’re doing a breakfast tour, its a must-stop for me. The coffee is typical diner brew–but the breakfast menu is over the top. I’m a huge fan of the hash brown combo. There usually isn’t a wait for tables, but weekends are busy–especially after church on Sunday.
The Foundry Coffee Co is one of my favorite places to grab coffee and sit for a quiet chat. I love their coffee, I love the staff, and I especially love the quiet, open space. It’s easy to bring the littles–there is even enough room for the stroller. While the Foundry is only open twice a month on weekends, the coffee shop is open daily.
Elevation is my favorite restaurant in Minot. While they don’t do brunch daily, it’s completely worth stopping in for brunch on the weekend (especially for a special occasion like Mother’s Day.) The caramel roll is delightful–but it’s huge so be prepared to split it!
I love buying ground coffee for my own home from Bean and Bagel. I love their flavored roasts that much. As far as drip coffee goes, this is my favorite in town. And obviously the bagels are great too.
Dining in at Bean and Bagel is especially appealing to me because their “back room” has open, living room style seating which is perfect for a stroller and a little one who has trouble sitting at a table for extended lengths of time.
Charlie’s will give you all the small town diner feels. The staff is so nice, the food is so good. You’ll never be sorry with anything off the breakfast menu. It’s a little tight and it can be crowded (for good reason), but if you’re looking for a good breakfast Charlie’s won’t steer you wrong.
If you are doing a bakery tour, you’d be remiss not to stop to Cookies For You for a frosted sugar cookie and a cup of coffee. They’ve got a small breakfast menu and a variety of drinks–but who says cookies for breakfast isn’t a good idea?
I’ve never been there when it’s packed with folks dining in, so you can usually find a good seat.
Minot Monday is made possible through a partnership with BeLOCAL Minot. BeLOCAL is a guide to finding your groove and living like a local in our community. Check out the publication here, and be sure to follow them on Instagram.
It’s no secret that Minot has a negative reputation, especially in the military community. I hear jokes all the time, I see articles ranking Minot among the “worst assignments” in the Air Force. Odd looks when I tell others we love it here and it’s one of our favorite assignments are regular for me.
Let others spout their nonsense and negativity. I’ll speak truth to you. You can trust me not to sugarcoat the winter weather or the ticks. No location can be completely perfect, right? Yet, all that aside–I love life in Minot. And I’ll never stop declaring that. We like it so much we asked to come back. Today I’m sharing five reasons to love life in Minot.
1. Everything is Close
At the top of my reasons to love life in Minot is that, in town everything is nearby. I never find myself making a choice between activities due to commute time. I’m rarely late, even with two little boys in tow. We can leave the house “late” and still arrive nearly on time to nearly any place in town.
Shopping? Ten minute drive. Park? 10 minute walk. Friends? 5-10 minutes by foot or car. Library? Five minute drive. Hardware store? 15 minute drive. Zoo? Ten minute drive. Church? Five minute drive.
After living in Minot for years, I’ve been completely spoiled by the convenience.
2. There’s A Lot Going On
I’ll be the first to admit that Minot is not a tourist destination. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot happening. Of all the places we’ve lived, Minot consistently has the most happening. There’s always something to do or some event we’re interested in attending–you just need to be proactive about looking into what’s happening.
The city of Minot tries incredibly hard to provide a high quality of life for residents. New events and new ideas are constantly welcomed, which leads to a community that almost always has something fun going on.
Keep tabs on what’s going on by watching the calendar of events at
Speaking of community happenings, another one of my reasons to love life in Minot is that events are so affordable. Minot offers lots of free events year round (like the fun zone for kids, community concerts, arts in the park, Christmas in the park, weekly story times, and loads of events hosted by the parks department.) Events that aren’t free are (in my opinion) shockingly affordable.
We’ve lived in many different cities across America, and enjoying community events here is easier than anywhere else because most of them require such a low cost.
Rarely am I forced to choose between two events I’d really like to attend because of cost. Should we go to the zoo or the pool this week? The cost is low enough we can do both. Eyeing date night at summer theater, but also want to take the kids to the a zoo class? We can do both.
4. Minot is the Perfect Place to Try Something New
All the reasons I’ve listed above play into this reason: Minot is the perfect place to try something new. Things are close, there’s lots going on, things are affordable–so learn something new or try something you’ve never heard of.
When we moved to Minot the first time, I was amazed at how accessible is was to try new things. Since living here I’ve taken up square dancing, playing the accordion and curling; I’ve taken classes in glass blowing and fusing, wheel thrown pottery and a variety of other smaller crafts. I’ve got my eye on learning the art of rosemaling and furthering my skill on the pottery wheel (both things I’ll be able to do in the coming year.)
I’ve taken Gideon (now three years old) to brass band concerts, plays, recitals, zoo classes, a hockey game, skating performance, music class, a you pick garden and countless story times. This weekend he’ll go to his first powwow, this summer he’ll participate in tee ball for the first time. If there’s something he is interested in or asked about chances are I can find a way to introduce him to it here in Minot (and most likely, it won’t break our bank.)
5. The Community is Unique
I always tell newcomers to Minot, “Anything can happen here.” This really is a unique place. If you are proactive about enjoying what the community has to offer, you’ll find this to be a magical place. The people are quirky and nice and eager to see others invested and thriving here. Small businesses root for each other and collaborate. Residents are happy to share their experience, skill and resources.
Of all the things we love about Minot, this is the thing I love most, but also the hardest to describe. It’s an intangible quality of knowing someone nearly everywhere you go–or being one acquaintance away from basically anyone in town. It’s that Hallmark-movie-meets-small-town-sitcom feeling I get when I’m at a pancake breakfast or walking Main Street at Christmastime.
It’s hard to explain, but you’ll have to take my word for it. If you give Minot a chance, you’ll love it here.
Happy Minot Monday! Minot’s hallmark subzero temps are here at last. So today I’m offering 10 tips for living in extreme cold. Minot Monday is made possible through a partnership with BeLOCAL Minot. BeLOCAL is a guide to thriving in our town. Read the publication and follow them on socials for tips, tricks and events happening in Minot.
If you are new to Minot–or reading this because you are planning a move to Practically Canada in the near future–here are my two cents about living in extreme cold.
First of all–at a certain point, cold is cold. I honestly can’t tell a big difference between a 10˚ day and a -10˚ day. It’s cold. You’re not going to be hanging around outside for long periods. Cold is cold. Don’t get stressed about the number on the thermometer.
Second, I think there’s something magically refreshing about being exposed to extremely cold air. It’s a zip you’ll only understand once you’ve felt an arctic chill on your cheeks. If you can allow yourself to enjoy it (think small, like a finely made espresso in a tiny cup), living in extreme cold can bring you clarity, wake you up, stop a toddler tantrum in its tracks…Just remember, treat the cold like an espresso–tiny and powerful. Don’t loiter. That’s dangerous.
Hopefully that gives you a little encouragement. But if you still want more, here are 10 simple things I do when the extreme cold temps hit our region.
1. Shut Some Vents
It may seem counterintuitive, but this is one of my favorite cold-weather hacks for indoor comfort. When the temps outside drop, help your furnace focus on heating the areas of your home you use most by closing some supply vents. Doing so will force warm air into the rooms you’re using. For example, close the vents in the guest room and close the door. That heat will be forced into other rooms and keep the house warmer.
For us, we always close a few vents on the first floor at night, to force the extra heat upstairs into our bedrooms while we sleep.
2. Change Your Furnace Filter
Help your furnace work effectively by giving it a fresh filter. Even if it’s now quite due for a swap, this will help with heating.
3. Turn on Your Circulating Fan
If your furnace/thermostat has a “fan on” option, turn it on. The circulating fan will keep air moving in the house and help stabilize the temperature–instead of letting the air completely cool between times that the furnace is running. Doing so will make a difference, and it uses little energy.
4. Scoot the Beds
If your bed (or your kids’ beds) are against an exterior wall, consider scooting it away from the wall. If you’ve got great insulation you can skip this–but staying away from walls and windows will keep you more comfortable while you sleep.
5. Moisturize
During extremely cold days remember to moisturize. Run humidifiers if you’ve got them. Be intentional about putting lotion on your hands (my favorite is Eucerin.) Put on lip balm before you head outside. If your littles have sensitive skin, put vaseline on their cheeks to prevent them from getting chapped.
6. Remember Your Jewelry
Extreme cold can hurt and crack soft stones (like opals). If you regularly wear one, give it an oiling (rub it with olive oil) and put it away until spring.
You’ll also be lotioning more often, so I like to limit the rings I wear so they don’t get gunked up.
7. Plan Extra Time to Get Out of the House
Getting anywhere takes longer when the air outside is extremely cold. You can’t cut corners on getting coats and winter gear on–so you’ll need more time than usual. Add padding to your schedule.
And speaking of things that you’ll need to do upon leaving…
8. Cover Exposed Skin
When heading outside, cover as much skin as possible. The cold can be biting. Don’t leave without a hat over your ears and gloves on your hands. (Check out my ultimate winter gear guide for tips on purchasing cold weather clothes and gear.) I don’t wear a scarf, except on the coldest days–the wind on your neck can be brutal.
9. Let the Car Warm Up
Your car may not need to actually “get warm” to be driveable, but during subzero days you’ll want to let it warm up for your own comfort. This is something I typically skip…until the temp drops below zero.
And speaking of the car…
10. Help Your Car Start
Park your car a garage if you can. Extremely cold temps can cause your starter to freeze or malfunction. Keep jumper cables handy in case you can’t get it going.
For more positivity and intentional living…
I love teaching others to flip the narrative on negative thinking (including living in Minot) and see God’s goodness in all circumstances. I’d love to have you hang out with me on Instagram and Facebook so we can get to know each other better!
With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, it’s time to talk about fresh date night ideas. I often find myself having a hard time coming up with date ideas that don’t involve eating out. Right now, eating out can be tricky for several reasons. Maybe you (or your employer) aren’t comfortable with public dining for pandemic reasons. Or maybe you don’t want to sabatoge your New Year’s diet goals. Or maybe quarantimes have taught you to love cooking for yourself.
10 Terrific Winter Date Ideas in Minot
Whatever your reason for wanting a date that isn’t your standard “dinner and drinks” I’ve got you covered. Here are 10 terrific winter date ideas in Minot that aren’t dinner.
In Minot it’s easy to find a hockey game that fits your date night schedule. Bundle up and go root for the Minotauros or the MSU hockey teams. (Click the links for team schedules.)
Hit the Driving Range
Minot Parks recently opened a driving range inside the “MSU Bubble.” Open to the public every Sunday evening from 7:30-10pm for adults. See here for additional information. (More on the Bubble, it’s use and location is here.)
The Putt District downtown offers fun, neon mini golf year round. They’re open year round, seven days a week and stay open late (except Sunday). As a bonus to the fun activity, Putt District also serves beer, wine, Pride Dairy ice cream (in my opinion…the BEST!), and offers all-you-can-eat pizza with golf on the second Thursday of the month. See BeLOCAL’s feature on them here and information on hours, etc here.
Escape Point is Minot’s escape room. Puzzles are well thought out and challenging–and there are several options for only two players. (And lots of options for double dates.) See BeLOCAL’s profile of them here, and their website + room info here.
See a Movie
Still wary of going out to the movies? Catch a movie at Oak Park Theater. Audiences are capped off, the theater is clean, and there is plenty of space to socially distance. For a complete Oak Park Theater date night idea, see this Minot Monday post. If you still want more information, go to their website.
Go Skating
If weather is nice grab your skates (or borrow some from a friend) and hit one of Minot’s outdoor skating rinks. If the weather is not so nice, head to Maysa Arena to enjoy open skating. A list of skating rinks from BeLOCAL can be found here. Information on Maysa’s skating hours is here.
Take advantage of the snow for sledding or skiing date. Find a list of places to sled in town here. Information on cross country skiing in town is here. If you’d rather get out of town for downhill skiing head to Huff Hills or Bottineau Winter Park. Bottineau Winter Park also offers tubing (with a lift–so you don’t have to hike to the top of the hill.)
Go Curling
While they’re not open for lessons everyday, the Minot Curling Club offers “learn to curl” days/evenings and fun spiels for amateurs. I love curling. See a whole Minot Monday post on curling here. Check out the curling club’s event schedule here.
See a Show
Mouse River Players is back and offering limited seating shows–including one coming out over Valentine’s Day. Check in with their website for current and upcoming show information.
If relaxing is more your scene, spend some time relaxing together at LOR Spa. Check their website for a list of services–including couples massages.
More Positivity and Minot
For more encouragement for daily positive living and lots more stories about life in Minot, join me on Instagram and Facebook. For more Minot Monday posts–go here. To see more date ideas from BeLOCAL go here (pg 36). I’m so glad you’re here.
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