Every December I find myself in the same predicament. Maybe you do too. Christmas is only a few weeks away, I’ve purchased no gifts. I know at one point I had a great idea of what to get everyone…but suddenly I can’t remember a thing. I’m stressed out and my wallet is feeling pretty beaten down from travel expenses, food expenses, and gift costs.
Not this year, my friend. I’m in a new place. I’ve got a new direction. I’ve decided that I can make a change for the better in any area of my life, at any time I like. Now, in an attempt to eliminate a good portion of stress and financial pain, I’ve come up with an idea.
A Christmas Gift Spreadsheet. Yes, it is geekery. Yes, I believe this system will save my mind.
Here’s the system I’ve developed. I made a handy Excel spreadsheet with everyone I buy for listed in alphabetical order {Excel will sort them automatically for you.} I listed in the gift ideas I have on hand. {They are blurred so the fam can’t see what I’m planning.}
Then, here’s the kicker. As I get ideas–like if I’m talking to a friend on the phone or Derek mentions something he’d like in passing–I take out my phone and send the idea to myself in a text. How often are you away from your phone? Never. How often would folks be suspicious of you sending a text? Never. How often do you text yourself? Not very often.
The beauty here is that you’ll have a good record of ideas within your phone. The ideas will all be there waiting to be organized in your spread.
I like the idea. It’s already helping me. And this way I can stockpile ideas for birthdays and other things too. Just don’t forget to make a column for yourself. I tend to choke when asked what I want. So now, when I think of something…I text it to myself, the add it in to the spread.