Usually when I do projects I put off writing a big post about it until the project is all done.  Then I show you the whole process.  This time, I thought I’d try something different.  I get a lot of questions from friends asking how I do it.  How I tackle a project all by myself, power through and get it all done in a {sometimes very} short time.  So here goes.  This week I’ll be updating every day on the progress of the kitchen.  So, if you aren’t in to home improvement…hopefully you are into my awkward sense of humor, because this week is dedicated to the kitchen.

Yesterday’s post talked about some of the prep.  I got the doors off and moved outside, I bought all the stuff I needed to do the project and moved what I needed out of the cupboards.

Today was even more prep.  FYI prep stinks.  It’s the worst, most important part of any project.  And for this project it took forever.  Like all day forever.

I got up at my usual I-don’t-have-to-work-at-the-gym time of 8:30 am.  I had some coffee, did some Googling, drank a smoothie and watched the end of last night’s installment of the Harry Potter series.  {I’ve been working my way through the entire series in bits and pieces.  This morning I finished #6…but I always skip the part when Dumbledore drinks that potion.  Too sad.}  After that I edited some photo orders….they’re just about done.  All that took me to 10 am.

That’s when I started step one of the Rustoleum Cabinet Transformation kit:  Deglossing.

The kit comes with a DVD.  Which is good for me, because it shows {in theory} what every step should look like.  But here is the difference.  In the video the girl doing the demo looks like this:

Degloss demo

Cute hair, nice outfit.  Basically DIY chic.  Here’s what deglossing looked like at my house:

Cabinet Deglossing

Khaki shorts that were nice until I sat in paint a few days ago, a million Sham-wow’s, glasses {AKA protective eye-wear}, dirty legs from sitting on the garage floor.  Yeah, it’s a different look.

Okay, despite what it looks like, deglossing is a big deal.  You squirt this stuff on a scouring pad, wearing latex gloves {I did wear them, pinky swear} then scrub, scrub, scrub.  I spent about 3-4 minutes on each cabinet surface {front then back}.  That really adds up.  My wrists were sore, I was sweaty, my elbows were starting to crack.  I started inside with the cabinet frames.  Then I took a short break to write a few emails and edit a few more photos.  Then the cabinet fronts.  Then break for an episode of the Office and a few more photos.  Then the cabinet backs.  I started to get really sloppy because I was getting so tired, hence the breaks.

All in all this took me the entire day.

I was nervous about not having enough deglosser for all my doors.  But that proved to be a silly fear.  I had plenty.  So much, I even went back over a few pieces that I had skimped on the first go around.  I still had some left  at the end of the day {which today was around 6:30 pm}.

After I absolutely could not get any more gloss off of the frames, doors or drawers I filled the handle pilot holes with wood putty and called it quits.  I watched the next segment of the how-to DVD.  Then I took a shower, posted some youth group photos on Facebook, and headed to a friend’s house for an evening showing of the 2000’s classic….”Summer Catch.”  Yep, the one with Freddie Prinze Jr and Jessica Biel.  While watching I’ve written this post, sent some more emails, snuggled one of the world’s cutest babies and Skyped with Derek.  When I get home tonight I’m going to put up painter’s tape.  Tomorrow I’ll start putting the paint on.  That’s the exciting part.

So that’s how I did it today.  I won’t lie to you.  Today really blew.  I was so sick of scrubbing I could have screamed.  It was hard, but not…hard.  Physically demanding, but anyone, even you can do it.  {And as a side note, Mary Jo…Mom told me you are thinking about doing this up at the lake house.  You totally could.  But wait until I finish so you can benefit from all my mistakes…}  Tomorrow I’ll have some more visible progress for you.  For now, it’s official, I’m past the point of no return.

See you tomorrow.



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