Basement progress

It’s been a while since I’ve done a project.  And I don’t mean a craft.  I mean a real, sink your teeth in, work all day, major B&A–project.


Actually, according to medical professionals, not allowed to project like that for another 5 months.  So, I’ll bide my time, but that doesn’t mean progress should halt.  A few months back, before we got the results of the MRI, before the surgery…before…Derek and I cleaned everything we had stored in the basement out.  All in preparation for it to be waterproofed, the first step toward a completely finished, livable basement.  {*dreamy sigh*}


You can see that post here.


Well, since I can’t participate, I thought I’d at least show you where we stand now.  You may remember me mentioning that when my parents came to visit in June, my dad thought the most fun way to spend his days in Minot would be installing an egress window for us.  No complaints from me.  I’ve been meaning to ask him to write a guest post about putting it in.  So, Dad, if you are reading this–we should chat about that.  But I digress…Here is the window going in.


installing an egress window

Let’s just say, I don’t trust just anyone to hack into the cement of my foundation.  And I trust my dad.  So…yeah…


Now I have a light filled basement.  Better yet, it’s completely waterproofed.  That’s what all the white stuff is on the wall.  If you want more info on the system we went with, you can check out Innovative Basement Systems.  It’s pricey, yes.  But it is also guaranteed, pretty much for all time and eternity.  So we felt like it was worth it.

basement innovations

The guys who cant to install the system were a pair of 20-somthing besties.  They told me the met on the job and immediately clicked.  It was a bromance if I’ve ever seen one.  While they worked I could hear their music from the basement.  It was like a kareoke party.  There was some Frozen soundtrack, some singing along with Taylor Swift, and obviously a little jamming to Journey.  Adorable.


I even have a sump pump!!

sump pump

Now, the big question is, “What next?”  Where do you go from here.  Well, I’ll tell you.


First step, wait 48 hours for the cement to dry.


Next, save more money.  The home improvement fund has been tapped out this summer with the new roof and the basement situation…


After that {conveniently in probably about 5 months or so–wink wink} we’ll start installing studs and dry wall.  Eventually the vision is to have a bathroom, storage space and bedroom down there.  So. Yeah.  Someday.




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