I’m so glad you’re here. Today I’m sharing an “everyday devotional.” An anecdote from life, seen through a Christ’s-Kingdom lens. Grab your coffee (or beverage of choice) and join me as we explore God’s boundaries for us…as inspired by a defiant toddler attending church service.

Returning to “Regular” Church
Recently our church reopened for in-person services. There have been lots of changes and precautions implemented.
Of all the changes that our church has put in place, our family is most affected by the temporary closure of children’s church. Gideon, who used to play happily with his friends during the service is now sitting in church with us. Mind you–I’m using the term “sitting” very loosely.
Our church family has extended lots of grace to families with little ones. No one is cranky or exasperated with restless kids. We’re all just happy to be together again.
Toddler Boundaries
But here’s the thing.
After about 30 minutes Gideon becomes restless. His little body just can’t be still for the entire length of the service. I understand.
Our family sits in chairs against the back wall of the sanctuary. There is a large gap between our seats and the last pew. We do this strategically so Gideon can have space to move around when he gets wiggly.
It’s a big area for a little guy. But it’s still not enough. He is old enough to understand simple boundaries we set for him. In the sanctuary, I tell him he can go anywhere on the blue carpet (basically, anywhere in the sanctuary.) No climbing the stairs, no crossing the threshold to the lobby. Lots of his favorite people are in the room with us. They’d love a walk by visit from Gideon.
I know he understands. But it’s still not enough.
Toeing the Line
Even though he has plenty of space to walk around, he heads directly for the threshold of the sanctuary, where a black strip separates blue carpet from gray. He literally puts his toes on the line, squats down and looks back at me with a gleam in his eye. (Please tell me someone else can relate to this.)
He knows the boundary, but he can’t resist pushing it. I call him back. Or carry him back. Next he may go to the base of the stairs. He’ll climb the first stair and give me “the look.” All this repeats over and over.
Considering God’s Boundaries and Will For Us
As I continued to repeatedly retrieve him from the edges of our boundaries it occurred to me: this is something I do with God. This is something humanity has always done. The safety of God’s will is a wide, wonderful place. Lots of our favorite people are here. There is plenty to do. Plenty of space to wander and explore.
But often we still behave as if it’s not enough.
We can be fooled into thinking that God’s will is a narrow and dull corridor. That it is specific to the point of being confusing or hard to find.
This isn’t true.
The Bible has lots to say about God’s will. Instead of a dark, confining closet, the Word shows us that God’s will and boundaries are more like a vast land preserve. Plenty of space, lots to see and do. Just stay inside the protected land–the boundary is there for our benefit. (John 6:40 is one of my favorite examples of what the Bible specifically says about God’s will. Here is a list of verses pertaining to God’s will.)
Kind of like…Go anywhere on the blue carpet.
But how often do we (do I) immediately head for the black line separating blue from gray and look back at God with a gleam in my eye. Surely this is okay. Surely putting my toes across the line is okay. What about one step into the gray?
Loud is the lie that God’s boundaries are restrictive, stealing our freedom. The truth is, God’s boundaries give us real freedom. Freedom to live in intimacy with our Creator. Freedom to focus on what matters. Staying within God’s will means we have freedom from the bonds of sin and death. We are free to truly live. (More on the freedom God gives us here.)
God’s Grace When We Cross the Line
Let’s not forget about God’s goodness and grace toward us when we push the boundary or cross the line. (Here are more verses about asking God for help.)
For the LORD your God is gracious and compassionate, and will not turn His face away from you if you return to Him.
2 Chron 30:9b
How many times does God lovingly retrieve me? How many times does He remind me of the boundaries of His will? Even more, how much time has He spent holding my hand, helping me resist the temptation to cross the line?
Just as I continue to remind Gideon that he has plenty of space, God has reminded me over and over that His will is the right place. In the same way that I explain that our boundaries keep Gideon safe, God tells us the boundaries of His will are designed to keep us safe too.
Inevitably, Gideon crosses the line. He leaves the sanctuary and heads to the gray-carpeted lobby. Sometimes it’s only a step and a mischievous look. Sometimes it’s a full sprint through the lobby, headed straight for the open door to the parking lot. Or the stairs to the lower level.
I go after Him every time.
God does the same for us. When we cross the line, He is faithful to call us back. Even when we wander far, He is faithful to take our willing hand and lead us back inside His will.
Trusting God’s Boundaries

Really, it boils down to trust. Don’t you think? Gideon needs to learn to trust us to set boundaries for him. We need to trust God to set boundaries for us. Ideally someday Gideon will understand that Derek and I see a little farther, know a little more, and want him to thrive.
As we mature in faith we will grow in our trust for God. Trusting that He sees farther, knows more, and sets boundaries for our good. He wants us to thrive.
Friends, learning to stay close to God and trust Him to set our boundaries takes discipline. And practice. It may never be a perfect science. But God will always be faithful to help us resist the temptation to cross the line. Or help us back once we’ve crossed.
I hope this has encouraged your heart today. If it has, I’d love if you shared or commented. For more everyday devotionals and encouragement, join me on Facebook or Instagram. There you’ll find a growing community striving to live intentionally, while viewing life through a Christ’s-Kingdom lens.
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