It was like something from the movies. A big crowd, all gathered and buzzing with excitement, even though it was 5:30 in the morning. A breezy, chilly, South Dakota morning. But most people didn’t seem to notice. They were too busy taking photos, checking the time, corralling children or comparing adorable/witty/brilliant poster board signs.
This particular homecoming is for Matt and Megan. This is Megan.
Everything is thrown off kilter when they leave. There are tears and anger and sadness and {at least for some} a deep rooted thought that the Air Force is the biggest bully in the world. Eventually a routine is established. And you get used to stepping around the hole left while they are away.
Everything is thrown off kilter when they come home. But its a good off kilter, a welcome off kilter. Because you start to look forward to getting back to “regular,” even if you don’t know how long it will last.
It’s emotional. Always emotional. And this was especially so because it was so much bigger and more TV-ish than any other return I’ve witnessed.
It was massive. And the anticipation was palpable. Seriously. Then it happened. The plane landed. They pushed the stairs up and a line that looked like khaki colored ants started to descend. I’m confident that there is no better feeling than identifying your khaki colored ant.