Today I’m happy to bring you part III of the Reshaping Your Rest series. For once, I’ll be piping down to let others do the talking. I’m sharing a few commentaries and resources that have helped me further understand what setting apart a day of rest really means.
All posts in the series are right here:
- Part I–How to take a Sabbath rest. Personal Sabbath testimony, Sabbath symbolism and meaning.
- Part II–Key Bible verses and takeaways for understanding the Sabbath
- Part III–Commentaries and resources for understanding the Sabbath
- Part IV–Practicing the Sabbath in your home–Free guide and worksheet
An Overview of the Sabbath
Do you know the Bible Project? If you don’t, get to know them. I’m a HUGE fan of their work. They produce great, short videos that cover all kinds of Biblical topics. (I’m especially fond of their videos that give a “nutshell” perspective on each book of the Bible. Those are great for anyone, but especially families and young students of the Word.)
Anyway, the Bible Project has a great video on the Sabbath and its origins.
If a few things went too fast, or you’d rather read than watch, see this quick article. It links up all the verse references used in the video.
Is the Sabbath Still Relevant Today?
Is keeping the Sabbath still something relevant to the modern church? This is an excellent question. And while we’re talking about the Bible Project–here is an excellent article that covers a wide range of questions about keeping the Sabbath. (Excerpt below.)
Jesus reminded the people of God’s actual intent for the Sabbath: unity with God, creation, and each other that was first found in Eden on page one of the Bible. Jesus taught that the Sabbath was about mercy and was purposeful. It was supposed to point to him, the one promised through all of Israel’s prophets, the one who would restore the rhythm of creation.
When followers of Jesus observe the Sabbath, we live as if this restoration has already taken place. We take a break from the broken rhythms of hustle and hardship to set aside a time of submission to his rule and enjoyment of his presence and to extend these things to the world around us. When we observe the Sabbath well, we become little resting places of God’s presence.
…As followers of Jesus, we aren’t required to follow the laws given to Israel by God exactly. These were given at a specific time to a specific people group for a specific purpose. Yet the wisdom of those laws is enduring, and the law of the Sabbath is pure gold. It is not a commandment we are bound to; it’s a promise we’re invited to.
Missy Takano for The Bible Project
Original Hebrew and Greek Words About Rest
Sometimes looking into the meanings of specific words used in the Bible can help glean a deeper understanding of what the text is meant to communicate. The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew, the New Testament in Greek. Here are a few Hebrew and Greek words I found helpful for understanding the Sabbath as I studied.
How to read interlinear references:
If you’ve never Bible geeked out over an interlinear reference, this could be your first time. At the top is the word we are studying. Next is a section of definitions and uses. At the bottom is concordance results. This is a list of every verse in the Bible that uses the word we are looking at.
**Always remember to read in context and apply the definition as meant by the author. The Word is powerful. We should read to find truth–not arguments that support our own opinions and ideas.**
- Shabath: First seen in Genesis 2. This is the word used to describe how God rested on the seventh day.
- Nuwach: To rest or settle down. This word has the connotation of comfort, being placed in order, knowing your place and being able to rest securely. (Missy Takano also covers nuwach in her article.)
- Shabbath: The word used for the proclaimed and prescribed Sabbath.
- Sabbaton: The Greek word used for the proclaimed and prescribed Sabbath in the New Testament.
- Katapausis: A calming of the winds, a resting place. This word is used primarily in Hebrews 4–describing the rest of God.
Helpful Commentaries
Here are two commentaries I have found helpful.
The first David Guzik’s study guide for Hebrews 4. Here’s a quote:
Be diligent to enter that rest: The rest is there, but God does not force it upon us. We must enter that rest. Clearly, the rest is entered by faith; but it takes diligent faith. This shows us that faith is not passive; it takes diligence to trust in, rely on, and cling to Jesus and His work for us.
David Guzik
The second is Matthew Henry’s commentary on Exodus 16. Here’s a quote:
This directs us to contrive family affairs, so that they may hinder us as little as possible in the work of the sabbath. Works of necessity are to be done on that day; but it is desirable to have as little as may be to do, that we may apply ourselves the more closely to prepare for the life that is to come.
Matthew Henry on Exodus 16
Get Ready to Reshape Your Rest by Keeping the Sabbath
Next week we’ll wrap up our Sabbath series. I’ve got a quick study guide and worksheet for you that will help you reshape your own rest–and more fully align it with the rest God wants to give us.
Until then, I’d love to get to know you! Join me on Instagram or Facebook to connect with me and a growing community committed to striving to live intentionally, viewing the world through a Christ-centered lens. I post *almost* daily encouragement and devotionals–and you can get a behind the scenes look at what I do when I’m not writing in my stories. You can also connect by subscribing to my emails. You’ll be notified every time a new post comes out and have access to the resource library!
As always, thanks for being here. If this series is teaching you or touching your heart, I’d love to hear from you–and I’d love if you shared with friends to help grow this sweet, encouraging corner of the Internet.
- Part I–How to take a Sabbath rest. Personal Sabbath testimony, Sabbath symbolism and meaning.
- Part II–Key Bible verses and takeaways for understanding the Sabbath
- Part III–Commentaries and resources for understanding the Sabbath
- Part IV–Practicing the Sabbath in your home–Free guide and worksheet