This is a small blog. I don’t get too many comments and I have no need for a FAQ page. It’s a hobby really. I’ve always like to write and journal. As I’ve been pulled away from my home town and my family…I find writing here very therapeutic.
I’ve been writing here consistently for over a year. Originally it was a place that I could slap up workouts for my fitness class participants. If they missed a class they could still get a great workout. Then I added some recipes. And updates. And photos. And a little TMI…
Then a month ago I merged my small photo/video business with my blog so all my online presence was merged. That was a good move.
And finally it all left me wondering what I’m really doing. How can I put into words what it is that I spend time writing about? Why should you read? Why should you tell your friends this is a pretty cool place to hang out?
I honestly felt like it was time to put my finger on what I’m doing…and add a little focus to these musings.
After lots of praying God opened my eyes to what every single thing I post is about. It’s something most of us have in common: We are all living a life unexpected. So there you have it. The theme of my writing, my projects, my business, my crafting. It is all about being unexpected, using unexpected materials, finding inspiration in unexpected places, and discovering unexpected solutions.
When I boiled it all down, my whole life has been an unexpected adventure. Especially my adult life. I’m not living where I expected, or working the job I thought, or even keeping the company I assumed. Life has been one unexpected journey. And that’s a good thing.
The greatest people in the world lived unexpected lives. The Bible is fully of people whose lives went in directions they never dreamed. I’m sure Mary expected to grow up an impoverished girl in a ghetto neighborhood. Jonah didn’t expect to chill in a whale for a few days. Noah {a man of the desert} never expected to be the captain of the history’s most famous ship. And the orphan Esther never thought she’d be a queen.
If we hope for the life we expected, we are turning our backs on the boundless possibilities God sees for us. Because only He knows our true, deep-down potential.
As far as the content goes…you’ll see the same stuff. It’s just that now I’ve got a reason behind it. I’ve got a little more focus. You’ll see me working on crafts made out of unexpected things {like the time I made a hair clip from an old t-shirt, or that wreath out of paper bags.} I’ll try to surprise myself with my handiwork around the house. I’ll continue to do as much as I can for as many as I can for as long as I can…through unexpected acts of kindness.
Let’s all start embracing our life unexpected.
PS–You should go read the new “About” page. It puts this unexpected theme in a nutshell.