You aren’t alone. You matter. You aren’t the only one. There really is hope for a future. Let’s carve out space for your mind to breathe.
The Art of Living: Lindsay Smith
When I think about someone living well, I can't help but think of my dear friend Lindsay Smith. Now, she might not always feel like she's mastered the art of living, but in the years I've known her I have drawn buckets of inspiration from the proverbial well of her...
Mistaken Identity
Today I was shopping downtown at one of my favorite book stores. When I came out I went to my car and tried to open the door. Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, but I will anyway...I don't usually lock my car doors. Especially not when I'm in downtown PraCan. My car...
Honor Your Parents {Grownup Edition}
Sometimes, when I don't know how to start, I just begin with something obvious. It's a good jumping off point. Today I'll start with this thought. We all have parents. Whether they excelled at being a mom and dad, I can't tell you. But it doesn't change the...
Ugly Shoes
Here's the thing. Yesterday I bought seriously ugly shoes. No offense to anyone else in the world that owns this pair of shoes. They are great shoes. I just think they look a little ridiculous. See, I've been sporting these bad boys for a year now. I got...
A Line With No End
Sometimes there isn't a whole lot to say. Sometimes a profound and mind-blowing thought will just wander its way into your head. There's no solving it, or changing it, or unthinking it. Last night I had one of those thoughts. It came to me while doing our nightly...
The Glass Half Empty
When I was in elementary school we had a weird school counselor. Things about her are a little blurry. So for all I know she really wasn't that weird. But at the time she seemed like an odd duck. I don't remember much about her, not even her name. There are four...
When Bad Things Happen
I teach the high school Sunday school class at my church. For the past few months we've been going through the book of Revelation. A task that was pretty intimidating for me as a leader...since the book itself isn't exactly a summer beach read. My co-leader, Ben,...
Enough Hours in the Day
I often have wondered what life would be like if my schedule allowed me to pursue the use of all my God-given gifts. While I can be decisive when it comes to picking a restaurant, travel plans, or say...a new cake stand, my life's work is up in the air. Maybe that's...
Strength Like Manna
I've been feeling on the weak side lately. Not physically, but emotionally. I look to the future and see a string of hard times on the horizon and it really makes me nervous. I have this ability to look ahead and anticipate. Which is good when I'm packing, or...
Follow Through.
Derek and I work with the youth group at church. I don't feel especially qualified, but I do feel especially blessed to be around those teens every single week. This year we've slowly been working our way through the Book of Acts. A few weeks back we discussed this...
Being Scattered
Derek and I have been helping out at the youth group at our church. Together we are working our way through the book of Acts. Just a few verses at a time...slowly...but surely. {This amazing photo is from L.A. Birdie Photography's Flickr stream.} This Wednesday we...
Pulling a Jonah
When we were out doing a little visiting on the east coast, Derek and I popped in to visit with his uncle and aunt in Lancaster, PA. I could write a whole post on how amazing the Damon family is...but that would really get us off topic. So I'll just dive in. The...