This post is part of a series about moving forward, even during a hard season of life. Read Part I here and Part III (three lessons learned) here.
In a perfect world there would be no trouble. Even more, people who love God would never see a day of distress. But that’s not the reality of our fallen, imperfect world. We will all face hard seasons of life. As someone who has survived many hard seasons, struggled with anxiety and depression and fought to hold on to Truth and faith through it all–I’m sharing six things that help me move forward in the midst of a trial.
“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me [Jesus]. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
I didn’t mean to make this a multi-part series. However, God laid so much on my heart I thought it best to break it up. This is Part II of a three part series. You can see the introduction and further details in Part I here.
Progress Looks Different During a Hard Season of Life
When circumstances change and life presents something difficult (or downright painful) your days will look different. In a hard season of life you’ll need to loosen your grip on whatever you consider “normal.” Not all hardships require defining a new normal, but you need to be flexible. Being too closely tethered to an ideal of “normal” will only cause anxiety and added stress. Believe me, I’ve been there.
Progress needs a different definition when walking through trials. I’ve found it freeing to admit when I’m in the midst of trial, then accept that progress will be taking a different form for a while.
During a hard season of life, progress might just be getting through the day with all basic needs met. That doesn’t mean you are completely stalled or moving backwards. Every day is one closer to the end of the season. Every day hard fought is progress toward the end of the tunnel.
The point is, let go of your ideal of “progress” for a while. Perseverance, the ability to endure, and the ability to creatively problem solve during a trial is progress. Life experience is never wasted, especially when we entrust it to God.
Extend Grace
Grace is key to any Christian’s walk and worldview. (Romans 3:24) We cannot possibly begin to grasp God’s love for us, until we begin to understand His grace. God’s grace induces the miracle of our sins being completely covered. (Ephesians 2:8-9) His grace bridges the gap of death through Jesus’ sacrifice and allows us to be right before Him.
Grace is everything. When we have even a little understanding of what God’s grace has done for us–and how undeserving we are of its gift–we are convicted to extend grace outwardly beyond ourselves.
But often the hardest person to extend grace toward is oneself.
I cannot say this loudly enough. During a trial, you must extend grace toward yourself in order to move forward. Remember the grace God has given you. He isn’t expecting you to be perfect, He doesn’t want your works. God wants your heart. That’s something you can give, even when everything else seems to have stalled. If God is okay extending you grace, you can follow His lead and extend some to yourself.
Grace will allow you to redefine progress (see #1). Grace will be a net that catches you before you fall into an abyss of depression, anxiety and self-loathing. To survive a difficult season in life, grace is your biggest ally.
Ask For Help and Be Specific
Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
I’ve learned this one over and over. Hard seasons of life are even harder when you face them alone. Trials often leave us feeling isolated and lonely. Satan clouds our mind with the lie that “no one wants to hear about our trouble,” or “we should deal with this on our own.” (More on overcoming lies here and here.)
That’s not the way the Church works. God has called us to work together and support one another. Would you be happy to help a friend facing difficult season? Chances are they’d be happy to help you too.
But here’s the catch. No one can read minds.
Do some brainstorming. Think of concrete things that could help you during this season. Besides magically turning everything back to “the way it was,” what would ease your load? (Both mentally and physically.)
Then reach out and ask for help.
My parents and friends were invaluable to me during this latest trial. (See Part I for details.) After days spent miserable, lonely and literally sick with first trimester nausea I made a list of ways others could help. Then I humbled myself and started asking for help. Here are a couple things that I asked others to do:
- When my parents came to visit I asked them to meal plan and cook for us–because even the thought of food could make me gag.
- Friends babysat while I went to doctor appointments and got groceries.
- I identified the loneliest, hardest times of day and asked friends to join Gideon and me for afternoon walks in the park.
What tangible helps would ease your burden?
You Can Get Through a Hard Season of Life.
Now may the God of peace—who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep, and ratified an eternal covenant with his blood—may he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen.
Hebrews 13:20-21
You can do this. Hard seasons of life will continue to arise, but you can continue to move forward. And Jesus will hold your hand and equip you every step of the way. Remember, in the narrative of our lives, God is not the enemy. He is the hero, the redeemer, the one who brings good from the villain’s craftiest, most wicked schemes. Cling to that truth and remember seasons don’t last forever. (We’ll talk more about that in Part III.)
What helps you move forward? I’d love to hear from you. Comment here or join me on Instagram or Facebook to be part of a community seeking to live life with intentionality and through a Christ-centered lens.