Dear Mr. Gorbachev,

I tore down the wall.

So it’s almost 9pm on Monday night and I haven’t had dinner.  {Strike one.}  And I haven’t seen yesterday’s episode of Mad Men.  {Strike two.}  I’ll show you progress on the second floor renovation…before I strike out all together.

I had an amazing crew of 5 friends and one visiting mother {a friend’s, not mine}.  And one awesome contractor.  Together, with professional guidance we tore through my wall and made one nice sized master bedroom.  Here’s what I started with:

To clarify, that’s two rooms.  One is blue, yes…very blue, I know.  We used it as an office.  The other room is the “master” bedroom.  It’s pink.  Pink floor, pink walls.  I took this photo from the very corner of the room.  I drew in those fancy white arrows to show you what wall was torn out.

Now…if you missed the previous post when I talked about ripping down the closet wall…you should go read that now.

1.  Demo started bright and early on Saturday morning.  That’s Darell.  He’s starting in on the wall with a giant sledge hammer, nbd.

2.  My house is old.  So, go figure, the wall is old.  We we a dirty mess from ripping out all the plaster and lath.

3.  I’m very bummed this photo is blurry, but I love it anyway.  As you can see, the girls were posing for a photo…leaving the boys to work.

4.  Once we tore into the wall, we realized that there was originally a door connecting these two rooms.  I just can’t figure out why.  If you have any inkling why a doorway would connect a bedroom and a very small room {that had a closet of it’s own at one point}…let me know in the comments.

5.  Good bye old closet!

6.  Hello new closet!

I was so amazing how quickly we got the wall and debris out.  It took about 90 minutes total.  I told you I had good help.

This picture cracks me up.  At a certain point there really wasn’t anything left for us rookies to help with.  So we were pretty much just standing around telling awkward stories while Darell did the skilled work.

So now that all that is done, where does that leave me?  Good question.  I’m doing a lot of the easier tasks myself.  Easier…meaning they don’t take years of industry experience.  Not, easy like…easy on the body, un-time-consuming, or won’t make you sweat.

That means I’m piecing in hardwood between the rooms.  Putting a thin coat of mortar over the chimney, which became exposed after removing the wall.  I’m mudding and texturing all the drywall.  Oh, yes and resealing the hardwood floors.  And of course, doing the fun jobs like painting, picking finishes, installing a closet organization system and moving all the furniture back in.

Remember.  The due date on this whole thing is June 8th.  {And I’ll be gone 7 days of that…Florida calls to me…}  I really hope I can make it.  Who am I kidding…I’m Amy Allender.  Of course I’ll make it.

{I hope.}

I’ll keep you posted.



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