Remember that crazy long road trip we took earlier in the month? Well…a major reason for taking it was to get to this amazing wedding. Why, so amazing? Let me tell you. First of all, it was held in Louisiana…so I worked all day with no jacket–despite the fact that it was January. Second, the event was beautifully coordinated by the Girls in Black. But, thirdly and most importantly…it was amazing because it was the wedding of one of our dearest friends: Jon Skinner.
In this lifestyle it is very rare that we can attend these major life events. So the fact that we got to attend and they honored me by asking that I do the photography was huge. Jon has been a part of our lives since Derek’s first pilot training base. I hope he remains in our lives forever and ever. And now, knowing Jon comes with a bonus: Gwen. She’s fun and bubbly and gorgeous. I am thrilled for this couple and just so happy to know them.
Okay…but enough chit chat. The moment we’ve all been waiting for…Jon and Gwen.
I love snapping a photo of the bride when she catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror–all prettied up for the big event.
This just might be my favorite photo of the whole day. I think it sums up what every bride wants in a maid of honor…heck, I think it sums best friendship in a nutshell. Only a bestie would remind you of deodorant, apply it, look adorable doing it, and make you laugh in the process.
I always love the daddy first look, don’t you? But–can it compete with the reaction of a groom when he first lays eyes on his bride? {It’s a toss up.}
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the excitement of a certain groomsman in this image?
It really was a day for the books. Have I mentioned how much I like these people?! Congratulations on your wedding–it was gorgeous {and now you have photos to prove it.} I loved capturing this wedding so much, I’ll be posting more from this day on Facebook in the coming days…but I want the couple to get their flash drives first–so they can enjoy them in private before I show all of them off to the world!Thank you again for letting me capture these moments for you. I cannot wait until our paths cross again {and I’ll cross my fingers that that crossing takes place at Harry Potter World…deal?}xoAmy