Here’s a throw back post about the first time I took Panda cat to the vet…


Yesterday I had one of those moments that makes me think, “Only in my life…”

Let me elaborate.  Hopefully if your day isn’t shaping up, this will help.

Yesterday I told you that Panda cat had her first vet appointment.  Well, I’ll start by telling you she hates the car.  I felt like some kind of monster while I drove the 15 minutes to the clinic.  Poor Panda was in the back seat meowing her head off in the cat carrier.  I looked back at her at a red light only to see her poor little paws sticking through the wholes in the side begging to be let out.

But that is no big deal.  She was great at the vet.  Healthy…and scheduled to be spayed.  The real trouble started after the appointment.

Derek met me at the clinic with Taco Bell for lunch.  We all got in the car to eat.  Panda was mad as ever in the carrier.

This is when we made mistake number one:  We let her out.

It seemed innocent enough.  She was much happier.  The meowing stopped.  She hid herself under the passenger seat and stayed there for the rest of our lunch.

She was so well behaved we made mistake number two.  She looks so content.  I bet she’ll just stay under the seat if you drive home.  She’ll be fine.


It’s not the carrier she hates, it’s the car.  As soon as we started moving, the meowing began.  Not just a simple “Hi,” meow, or a “I’m hungry,” meow.  No, this is the type of noise cats make when they are being tortured.  A yowl.  But she stayed under the seat.  Okay.  Fine.

Until I got on the interstate.

At this point she just couldn’t take it any more.  She started moving around.  Jumping up on the back seat.  For a few minutes she even laid in the carrier.  About 5 minutes from home the real trouble started.

She wanted to get in the front seat.

She was persistant.  I needed to focus on driving, so eventually she did find her way up to the passenger seat.  Pupils wide, eyes wild I knew this was bad.  She took a look out the window and about lost it.  Straining to see out more she perched her paws on the console.  Then I realized she wasn’t trying to see out at all.  She was getting leverage.

She was pooping in the front seat of my car.

Yes.  You heard right.

A  big pile of cat poop.  She was still scared so as soon as she finished she bolted to the back seat again, knocking the poop around.  One piece landed on the cover of my new book for Bible study.  One fell to the crease of the seat and seat back.  Great.  Now she is perched like a bird on the back row of seats.  Then, like a flash she leapt off and back to the front seat.

“Please don’t step in your poop,” was all I could think.  The last thing I need is poopy paw prints all over.

She found her way into my lap.  The smell was horrific.  Have you ever smelled cat poop up close?  I don’t recommend it.  It’s just awful.  The kind of smell that makes you throw up.  For real.  With the cat in my lap I am afraid to open the window next to me.  What if she jumps out?  The others are open, but it seems like the wind created is just blowing the poop smell at me more.

Finally, we are in the driveway.  I open the door.  She bolts.  I clean up cat poop.  The bright side is that I was able to collect her stool sample.  Only in my life…

I figured I’d never see her again.  But she came back in a few hours.  Next time…she rides in the carrier.

Have a good one,



We started tiling!  Photos to follow!


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