Happy Minot Monday! As many of you know, I’m expecting my second child this week. In this special edition of Minot Monday I’m sharing some great resources for moms in Minot. As always, we owe a big thank you to BeLOCAL Minot for partnering with me to make Minot Monday possible. Inside you’ll find a first hand account and tips from a mom and military wife (pg 38).
It’s hard to be a mom in a new community. Actually, some days it’s just really hard to be a mom. Challenges arise. Kids can be draining. At times momming can be very, very lonely. Today, I’ve compiled a list of resources for moms in Minot that you may not know about. These will ease some of the transition and help you on your motherhood walk.
These resources may not solve all the problems. But I believe they’ll help. Please know, this isn’t an exhaustive list. Minot has lots to offer, and our community is ever-growing with new ideas and resources. I hope these will be helpful–or will inspire you to do a little digging (or even initiate something new!)
McCarthy Lactation
Nicole McCarthy is a Certified Breastfeeding Specialist right here in Minot. She is a military spouse (read: able to come on base and familiar with TRICARE), mom, and passionate about helping others navigate breastfeeding. (Something most moms will tell you isn’t as easy as it seems.)
Nicole is easy to talk with, extremely knowledgeable and feels like a friend after you’ve talked for five minutes. She offers a wide range of services that will help you meet your breastfeeding goals–or create a plan that will work effectively for your family. Services include:
- Prenatal consultation (in home or virtual)
- In-Home Newborn consultation
- Virtual Support (great for any questions that don’t require hands-on help)
- Follow Up Consultations
- FREE Breastfeeding supplies
As a military spouse, this next part gets me really jazzed. If you are a military spouse on TRICARE, Nicole will help you navigate the process of getting your insurance-covered breast pump! She’ll walk you through your options, explain the process for reimbursement and even has pumps on hand that you can look at an turn on before you decide which option is best for you. This service and consultation is FREE!!
In addition to these services McCarthy Lactation also hosts a support group on Minot Air Force Base at the North Plains Chapel on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. See here for additional details.
Minot Baby Cafe
Very soon Minot will have its own Baby Cafe. (Expected to open November 2020.) A Baby Cafe is a FREE, drop in pregnancy and breastfeeding resource center. Baby Cafes are offered nationwide, but until now the closest Cafe for us in Minot has been in Bismarck.
Baby Cafes offer support and consult from trained staff, an encouraging environment, and group support. The services provided will help moms meet their breastfeeding goals and increase the duration of breastfeeding. Services are FREE to all pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
Minot’s Baby Cafe will open in the Pursuit’s facility. More information can be found here. To donate to our Baby Cafe, go here.
PS–Minot’s Baby Cafe has been spearheaded by our friend Nicole of McCarthy Lactation, cool, right? Watch her website and Facebook page for information on when the Cafe is open!
Sacred Birth Space (SBS)
(Formerly Serene Circle)
I’ve had friends involved with Sacred Birth Space who have loved their experience. SBS is a “7-week natural childbirth workshop and sisterhood support; a place to connect with and share your pregnancy journey.”
It’s a place where you’ll find information and strategy for going through the birth and postpartum experience–but even better you’ll find support and community with other moms in a similar place in life, and a close due date. SBS helps mothers feel “confident in their pregnancy, birth, and motherhood experience.”
Currently all programs are virtual, but if you are an expecting mom, this is a great place to find community–and even friends that are going through the journey of motherhood alongside you.
Minot Birth & Baby
Mandi Wagnild, owner of Minot Birth & Baby offers doula services, breastfeeding support, birthing workshops and postpartum doula services. What really sets her apart are her postpartum packages (something I’ve never seen before.)
Her postpartum services include:
- Support with feeding, diapering, interacting, bathing, etc your newborn
- Support while processing the birth experience
- Caring for older children, including them in baby care
- Caring for newborn so mom can rest
- Light housework
- Documenting your family with photos
- Help with nursery organization
- Creating a care plan
- Answering any and all questions
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)
MOPS offers community, friendship and support to mothers expecting a child through those entering kindergarten. This is another of our fantastic resources for moms in Minot. Here were are lucky to have two MOPS groups. Minot MOPS and BREW. This page has information on both.
MOPS is:
“Here at MOPS, we gather and support moms. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together. Our acronym stands for “Mothers of Preschoolers” because we began in 1973 when a group of moms with young children banded together to share their lives and parenting journeys. Over the past 45 years, MOPS has expanded our reach to include ALL moms. In addition, we are partnering with churches and organizations worldwide to equip and encourage moms in more than 68 countries.” (excerpt from the MOPS site)
Minot’s MOPS group meets at First Assembly of God on alternating Fridays. Contact the group for more information here.
The BREW Mothers of Minot
BREW stands for Brave, Real, Encouraging, Women. This group is a MOPS and MOPSnext group for mothers of children ages 0-12.
The BREW Mothers offers moms in Minot a chance to connect, learn and bond in a wide range of stages of motherhood. They meet once a month through the academic school year.
Additional Resources
Here are additional resources for moms in Minot and places to gain support during and after pregnancy:
- Minot Y–group fitness or solo fitness options with childcare on site.
- Dakota Hope Clinic–loads of FREE services for expectant moms in our community. Including pregnancy testing, ultrasounds (for those who qualify), STD testing, pregnancy loss support, abortion support, pregnancy options, and “Earn While You Learn” classes that cover pregnancy through toddler years.
- Northland Health Centers–aid for moms and families without insurance
- Optimal Pregnancy Outcome Program–helps expectant mothers make informed healthy choices during their pregnancy. This program is FREE and includes services such as prenatal vitamins, counseling, breastfeeding information, and social work services.
- New Parent Support Program Minot AFB–(For active duty and military spouses only). Parenting classes, play group, FREE breastfeeding consultations and support (in office or in home), infant massage instruction, adoptive parent support and services. All services offer pregnancy through a child’s third year.
Join the Community for More
For more on living and thriving in Minot, connect with me on Facebook and Instagram. I love helping others love life here! And don’t forget to check out BeLOCAL for listings and tips on local favorites.
Oh, and be sure to watch my stories on Instagram for a weekly round up of what’s happening in town. I post it each Monday evening! I hope you’ll follow along, especially this week as I share lots of special baby content in celebration of meeting our new little!