by Amy | Jan 27, 2016 | Blog, The Art of the Moment

I remember it clearly. This adorable, red-headed teenager asked if we could get together and talk. So we did. We met at Pita Pit and over sandwiches–excuse me, pitas–I got to know Emily. We talked about prom and how I couldn’t get a date to save my life in high school and how maybe I should read the signs a little better when three guys turned me down for prom. But I went anyway, and survived, and eventually all the weirdness that high school can bring gradually faded and I was left with a little more clarity and pockets of crazy stories to tell.
She mentioned Snap Chat and I played it really cool–like I totally knew what that was. In reality, after the pitas were gone and the iced tea consumed I immediately went to my car and Googled “snap chat” from the parking lot.
As time went on, the drama of high school and prom subsided–as it always does–but we kept meeting. Mostly for coffee, mostly early in the morning before her classes at the university started. And while I’m not a morning person, chatting with Emily and researching Scripture with her was a morning worth starting early. It was one of these days that I first heard about a boy named Author. “Aurthur?” “No…Author. Like an author.”

I called him Aurthur in our conversations for months–but I’m finally getting the hang of it. Just in time too…because this boy I heard of once upon an Americano-one-pump-of-vanilla-room-for-cream—is sticking around indefinitely. These two are engaged and I couldn’t be more excited. I love that their relationship is rooted in Christ. I love that Author spoke with our pastor and Emily’s dad before proposing. I love that they are in love with each other, but even more in love with the Lord. It’s a beautiful thing.

As with most winter photo sessions, these winter engagement photos were scheduled and rescheduled several times before we got it right, but in the end we had a gorgeous day. And I’m in love with the results. Congratulations guys!! And thank you for choosing me to capture your engagement. What an honor!
by Amy | Dec 19, 2015 | Blog, The Art of the Moment
It’s here. I know this has maybe taken too long to post up. But I’m not too apologetic. I think everyone can understand that things run a little slower in December. Among the hustle and bustle of holiday festivities, business as usual, and taking time to prioritize reflecting on Jesus’ birth….it’s no wonder that I’m just now getting around to putting these precious photos online.
That…and…I don’t like to spoil the surprise of anyone’s Christmas photos. This way {hopefully} everyone has had a chance to post and share and print cards to their heart’s content. And now–I just can’t take another second of delay. This is perhaps my favorite crop of Christmas photos. I’m so happy that so many lovely Practically Canadian friends trusted me with their photos {especially after a very vague announcement about the set}. Like the trust fall in Mean Girls…I totally caught you and didn’t let you smack your head on the gym floor.
Oh–and one more thing. This year the proceeds from Christmas photos was donated to local causes. Because of the gorgeous, smiling faces in these photographs a lot of beautiful things were possible in Practically Canada. A donation was made to the Ward County Historical Society {because they were kind enough to let us use the fire truck}; the YWCA received a new crib mattress {they’d given one of theirs away to a single dad in need}; 11 pairs of winter boots, 10 pairs of insulated in soles, a jumbo pack of paper plates and laundry detergent worth about 300 loads was given to the Minot Men’s Winter Refuge; and gifts were bought for a family in need of some extra holiday cheer.
But I don’t want you giving me even an ounce of credit for even half a second. I’m sharing this list of goodies with you because it was your dollars and business that made it possible. Wealth of all kinds, every dollar I have in my wallet and bank account comes from the Lord–the creator of wealth. I’ve simply spent some time asking Him what to do with the money–and He opened my eyes to some local needs. God gets the glory for this….I give because He has taught me to give. My hands are open towards others’ needs because His hands are always incredibly open to my needs. I hope this testimony glorifies God and encourages you to ask Him how He may be more magnified through your own, unique walk.
Okay. No more delays. Now the photos.

Okay. I’ve gotta say just one thing. I was shocked that more people used the fire truck than this adorable Studebaker. Isn’t it just the cutest thing? Who is your favorite? I know loads of people are having dress envy over Kate’s adorable ModCloth ensemble. It’s so perfect. I’m a huge fan of Carson and Olivia, personally. {Fourth down on the left column.} They dazzled me with their cuteness last year when they came in PJ’s with milk and cookies. This year the whole family was there and they looked so sharp! I love Carson’s tiny vest and tie!!
I was very excited that Mr. Caswell–the legend himself–stopped by for a photo. He is the owner of this adorable car and was kind enough to let me borrow it {and drive it!!!!} for the weekend. He’s an avid local collector who showed me stalls filled with cars of all kinds and let me have the pick of the litter.
But I’ll be totally honest. I can’t pick a favorite. That’s why these collages are so huge! Okay. On to the fire truck. Everyone loved using this cool truck and I don’t blame them. It’s rustic and colorful and looks undoubtedly Christmasy with an evergreen stacked on the back.

Let’s take just a second to recognize all the super cute outdoor wear that came to the fire truck sessions. Hats galore! I’m especially partial to the little reindeer hat worn by the littlest member of the Forehand clan. {Insert excited squeaking here.}
Next I’d like to thank all the precious pups that joined their families on photo day. Everyone behaved so well, and most {except Mr. Taco in the right column} even looked at the camera.
I love these warm and wacky images–from the wreath around Eddie’s neck to the tight squeezes and piles of empty presents. This crop brings a smile to my face and a pitter patter to my heart. We have fun, don’t we?
I hope you are having a happy Christmas season–and that these brought a little smile to your face. I never stop being awed by how unique and beautiful every person and every family is. Thanks to everyone who chose me and trusted me with your Christmas portrait. I’m honored and flattered and hope your Christmas card list is floored by your gorgeous photos!
by Amy | Dec 1, 2015 | Blog, The Art of the Moment
Hi all–
I hope you had a very merry Thanksgiving and are gearing up for a very happy Christmas…wait–did I get that backwards? Things of all kinds seem to be upside down and backwards right now. The first of the winter holidays passed by in a blissful, pie-filled blur…my house is in that awkward teenage stage between fall decor and winter wonderland…I’m slowing down in the work department as I attempt to start tying up lose ends in Practically Canada before a move this spring…as usual, I’m pining to start a few new projects and I’m longing to write more….add it all up, and I’d say 2015 is coming to a fun-filled, mind rattling close.
Not to complain. I really truly love this time of year. {Cold winds and plastic on windows included.} I like the process of winterizing the yard, stocking up on canned apple butter, kicking myself for not starting to craft up a gift storm sooner and even the satisfaction of a freshly shoveled–or snow blown–driveway. It’s all pretty great. Minus the windchill. {Get it…MINUS the wind chill?? Because it’s usually in the negatives…Okay, so that one was a stretch.}
By far, one of my very favorite parts of this season–not including parties that allow me to wear a fancy dress and my once-a-year-dressy coat–or watching White Christmas and quoting nearly all of the lines–is taking Christmas photos. I’ve always loved creating a fun photo for Christmas. Yes, they are nearly always staged. No, this probably isn’t Derek’s favorite part of the season. Yes, I think they are adorable. Yes, the only thing that has made it better is that for the past three years I’ve been able to share the set with others.
So in the days leading up to Thanksgiving I wrapped giant boxes and tracked down a Charlie Brown tree {thanks TC Nursery!!}. I pulled the sled out of storage and stressed over what wrapping paper patters would look best with which ribbon. It’s all leading up to this weekend’s Christmas mini session extravaganza! And Derek–who truly proves himself to be my BFF and a selfless, loving husband over and over–not only tolerated the madness of our home, but loaded it all in the car on Sunday when we went to take some sample shots. {Because I wasn’t sure I’d made enough props…in case you’re wondering…there’s plenty.}
Here’s what we got.

We only posed with the fire truck because the other car is privately owned, and I’m already asking quite a bit to be borrowing it for two days next weekend. And really, if I had another car in the mix we would have been there all day! I am so pleased with the final result. I think these are so much fun and can’t wait to see what adorable things will happen this weekend.

Wondering what to wear for your Christmas photo this year? Remember to take a look at this list of tips–or this one from last year.
by Amy | Nov 20, 2015 | Blog, The Art of the Moment
I’ve had lots of you asking for Christmas Card outfit tips! Be sure to check out the list I posted last year. But if that’s not enough…I’ve come up with 9 more tips for looking positively awesome on this year’s card. Most of the gorgeous photos in the list below aren’t mine. Click the image for the source. I had a blast looking through so many stunning images from fabulously talented photographers all over the web.
1. Layers

Christmas is in the winter. So unless you live in a warm place, or are trying to do a warm-wishes theme for your Christmas photo–I advise dressing appropriately for the season. Layers are a great way to give your photos the feel of winter without stating the obvious with outerwear and accessories {more on those things in a bit.}

Layers also give you the opportunity to incorporate color and texture into your photographs in a low key, intimidating way. A neutral cardigan easily tones down a bright color. A collared shirt under a sweater instantly brings class to an otherwise rowdy boy. Layers can also give you something to do with your hands…hold the scarf, put a hand in a pocket, rest your fingers along your lapel.
2. There’s a wide variety of neutrals
My basic rule for photos is this: be neutral. You’ll never go wrong if you keep your whole family in a neutral zone. But sometimes we can get stuck thinking that neutral only means black, white, brown and gray. While those are neutrals, there is practically a rainbow of other neutrals that you can use. An easy formula is to anchor your clothing in those mainstay neutrals, then add in one of these other color-neutrals. And even if you opt for all gray, brown, oatmeal, and tan…you still don’t have to look boring! Neutrals are awesome and timeless.

Blue is a very neutral base. This is why just about everything looks good with jeans. Blue rarely clashes, looks good with every skin tone and is always a safe choice for photos. Just stick to soft, light, and denim shades and steer clear of anything vibrant that will steal the show.

Other neutrals you can use include yellow, green, and every shade of brown known to man kind. Like with the blues, keep your color choices on the muted, dull side and away from bright, neon and vibrant. You can mix all the neutrals I’ve mentioned here {and I’m sure there are more that I forgot} or just use one of the more colorful neutrals in your photos. Totally up to you.

3. Thread a color or pattern
If you want to go a little bolder add some brighter color. This is a way your family can look unified without looking uniformed. And no one wants to look uniformed in their Christmas portraits. Red is a classic Christmas color to weave through your images…but you can do it with any color under the sun, or with a similar patter–for instance adding bits of plaid or stripes throughout your clothing….just don’t over do it because you start to clash.
Keep in mind that the color doens’t all have to be in the same place on each person. This idea board does a good job of showing how mustard can run through everyone’s clothing without being uniformed.

4. Outerwear

I loooove this image. Love it! I could only find it on Pinterest…and the original source is a little foggy. It may have been original to Matt Clayton Photography–but the site says it no longer exists there. At any rate, this is an awesome photo taken by a talented photog.
These folks are nailing the outerwear thing. The key is creating photo-pretty outerwear. Don’t dress exactly how you would for a day of sledding or a long time outdoors. You won’t need your ski mask and snow pants. Instead, use elements of outerwear to accessorize your outfit. It’s not too hard. I promise. For instance, instead of pulling your scarf over your nose and zipping your coat up to your chin (which hides both your gorgeous face and your cute outfit underneath)–leave your scarf loose and your jacket unzipped. Instead of putting a hat on and pulling your hood up for a lot of warmth, only do one or the other.

The other tip I have for outerwear is to remember that Christmas photos aren’t necessarily realistic. You’ll only be outside for a short time–so adding just a splash of outerwear (like boots, hats, gloves or vests) over your outfit gives the impression of Christmasy-wintery vibes without taking the parka thing too far.
5. Accessories
Accessories are a fun way to winter up your Christmas photos. I’m a big fan of adding hats, scarves, mittens and ear muffs to your outfit. It’s pretty much the only time of year that this kind of accessorizing is appropriate. And if you are wanting a nice, cozy look–you’ll never go wrong with boots! {Just keep in mind that not all boots are created equal. Classic snow boots, riding boots and work boots look great in photos…but the marshmallowy kind with cartoon characters on the side look a little tacky.}

6. Dogs
Lots of my clients bring their pups to the family Christmas session. If you bring your dog…and if your dog {or cat} will tolerate it, I highly suggest adding some Christmas cheer to their attire as well. {See the dog in #4}.

7. Babies
Since our sessions will be outdoors this year–I suggest bundling your baby up well. I will never insist that you compromise safety for a good photo. And besides…this is the one season and the one age in your child’s life that they can pull off wearing a fuzzy snow suit in the family portraits. If weather isn’t a concern, I suggest snug fitting clothes that won’t bunch up or cover your little one’s face when held or if they slouch down.

{Charleen C Photography}
8. Fabric choices
Choosing warm, textured fabrics will give your photos a cozy look. You’ll never go wrong choosing flannel for your Christmas photos. Chunky knits, nubby sweaters, and other fabrics with texture will add interest and dimension to your images.

9. Going classy
This year is a great time to take your photos to a classy place. Since we will be using vintage cars–we’ll have a nice, classy background too! Some times it’s fun to dress up and Christmas is a great time to do it. If you decide to go classy with your photos basically anything you wear will look great. Just make sure your whole family is committed to the same level of dressy {we don’t want one in a ball gown and the other in a sun dress}. Add some jewelry or a nice coat for a special touch.

by Amy | Nov 10, 2015 | Blog, The Art of Gathering, The Art of the Moment

Okay. So you know that part in the movie Mean Girls where they are all in the gym and they confess their secrets and do a trust fall? It’s very girl powery and the crowd of high school junior girls catches each other girl as she does a trust fall off of the stage. {Well except for that one that just confesses that she’s popular.} That’s kind of what this year’s Christmas card sessions are going to be like.
Follow me here.
It’s a bit of a trust fall. I don’t have a sample photo ready to show you–like in years past. There’s no cute, quirky photo of me in funky winter clothes or Derek and me wrapped in lights. You just have to trust me. But I give you a pinky promise that I won’t let you fall onto a hard gym floor. I’ll catch you and your images will be awesome. Here’s what I’ve got in mind.
A vintage car. Decked out in holiday gear. Packed with oversized, colorfully wrapped gift boxes. The retro sled. A Christmas tree. Here’s the inspiration I’m working with. {You can go to the original source by clicking the images.}

Now. You might be wondering if I can really pull this off. The answer, of course…is yes. While working on the Monster Mash {another giant pull off} I got a contact number for a local vintage car collector. Yesterday, he toured me around his stash which included about 30 restored vehicles. Everything from 20’s trucks to 50’s Studebakers to 70’s Pacers. I was shocked–and giddy.
I finally narrowed down the selection and here’s what we’ll be working with. First of all–a vintage fire truck, housed by the Ward County Historical Museum. I’ll fill the back with boxes and bedazzle it with holiday cheer. Like I said–you need to trust me here. These phone photos don’t do it justice.

Second….we’ll have one of these snazzy cars. I’m really torn and just can’t decide between the precious Studebaker Cruiser {minty green in the top left spot}–or the 1949 Hudson {in the bottom two images.} If you’ve got an opinion shout it out!

Here’s a better idea of what these cute cars look like when they aren’t in a garage or taken on a shaky phone.

Yes. You read all that correctly. You’ll have a choice of 2–count ’em TWO vintage car sets. The red fire truck–and either the black or mint car. Now that you know what I’m thinking…let’s get to the nitty gritty.
I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll be able to do a test shoot over Thanksgiving weekend. It’ll be a dry run so everything is perfect for you the following weekend. Stay tuned to see those images.
Mini sessions are just $50. You get a 15-20 minute sessions and 5 images. Your images will be delivered digitally and you’ll have the printing rights to them. Times open run from 11am-4pm on December 5th and 12-4 on December 6th. I’m limiting availability to 20 sessions. Your family can choose one of the two sets–or you can book two sessions to use both. Sessions will be outdoors {it’s an El Nino year!}–so keep your fingers crossed for good weather. If the weather is just plain poopy–we’ll reschedule. Sessions will happen at the Ward County Historical Museum–on the grounds of the ND State Fair. Your photos will be back to you by December 9th.
Make sense? Have questions? Wanna book? Get in touch. Send me a Facebook message. Or call me {574-361-7268}. And just for good measure–let’s remember how adorable the last two years’ images have been.

by Amy | Nov 5, 2015 | Blog, The Art of the Moment

The is the Oase family. When we booked their session months ago–I never in my wildest dreams thought we’d have an evening so beautiful, so late in October. I figured it was a gamble at best. I figured we’d be fighting a biting wind and flurries. But, happily–I was wrong.
Despite the date, the weather behaved beautifully. In my few years in Practically Canada, I’ve never seen a nicer fall. It’s really been ideal. Perfect for a good crop of fall family photos. So while our evening together was a little chilly…our biggest challenge came from getting this adorable little one to crack a smile! And that’s a challenge I’ll happily accept. {But let’s face it…with cheeks like those even a perfectly neutral face is simply sublime. Isn’t she precious?!}
Lucky for me they came equipped. Between wagon rides and tosses in the air and kisses from her puppy–eventually we caught some really adorable images. See?

I’m so glad I was able to get to know this sweet crowd. Thank you for choosing me to capture the art of these precious moments!
by Amy | Oct 22, 2015 | Blog, The Art of the Moment
It’s been quite a senior season. I’ve been so busy shooting these fabulous, young, ambitious faces I’ve hardly looked at anything else. Okay–so that’s not true at all–but the crop of 2016 seniors has been my biggest yet. But, alas…all good things come to an end, and up here in Practically Canada, the senior season ends with the yearbook deadline: October 30.
So. It’s official. Austin is the very last senior of the year. And, let me tell you, this was a great session to go out on. I shoot a lot of photos for girls {which I love}, but I do enjoy having a chance to photograph guy senior photos as well. Especially fall guy senior photos. Especially when it involves crazy cool buildings, fall colors and a dreamy sun set. {But the wind was almost a little much for us…} Anyway–without any more chit chat, here is Austin: Class of 2016.
Oh. Wait. Just one more thing. I think this kid looks like a Disney prince. Am I right? Look at that Flynn Rider smoulder. Seriously, he’s adorable. And by adorable…I obviously mean manly-handsome. *Awkward cough* I don’t really know how to compliment guys. I mostly work with girls and babies.

We were working with a very chilly North Dakota breeze on the night of his session. I was comfortable in a sweater and scarf, but my fingers were stiff and frozen on the camera. I can only image how cold it felt to Austin, who has recently been imported to Minot from the exotic land of Alabama.
There were the usual bouts of waiting for “the breeze to pass,” followed by a crazed effort to get a few images before the next gust. When I move away to a less windy location I think my sessions will be drastically shorter without all the wind-intermissions. It’s just another quirk of this crazy place–and I actually like it, because while we wait we get to chat…and let’s be honest–getting to know my clients is my favorite part of any shoot.

Here’s my favorite thing about Austin and his mom: They were both talking about how beautiful the North Dakota landscape is. I totally agree!
I hear so many complainers who yap and yap about how ugly it is here, how boring it is, how they hate the weather and the landscape and the lack of trees. It was utterly refreshing to be with people who looked around at the rolling hills and said, “This is so pretty. Back home all our hills are covered in trees–so we never get to really see the hills and the landscape. It’s beautiful here.”
Beautiful is right. The wind was calmer out of town. The light was perfect and creamy. The grass looked golden in the setting sunlight. The hills are on fire with fall color. It is beautiful.
I’m so grateful to Austin for hanging out with me and choosing me to take his senior photos! You’ll get your drive tomorrow–in plenty of time for the yearbook deadline. Have an amazing senior year–and welcome to Practically Canada.
by Amy | Oct 13, 2015 | Blog, The Art of the Moment

Everybody…say “Hi,” to Lilly. We shot her fall senior photos just over a week ago. For those of you in Practically Canada, it was the same day as the Norsk Hostfest–cold, chilly, ending in icy rain. We almost cancelled. Almost. The rain held off until the end of the shoot, and even then we powered through for “Just one more shot…” {I think that’s a lie all photographers tell at one point or another.}
But honestly, with golden fall colors leaking out of every nook and cranny in the landscape and a senior who is as fun and adorable as Lilly–why wouldn’t we press on? I had so much fun getting to know this one who–at the beginning of her session told me she’d never had her photo taken before, not professionally. It was absolutely lovely to spend time with her, her mother and sister. Between takes she may have been wrapped up in a blanket, but these are some of the warm-fuzziest fall images I’ve taken to date.

I get asked all the time, “What kind of clothes should I wear to my session?” If you are wondering that…book mark this page. Lilly totally nailed it in the wardrobe department. From the vintage pieces her sister told me she picked up in Kansas City {so cool!} to the Target boots they, “Just picked up on the way to the session,” her look is perfect for senior picture day–especially for fall senior photos. Classy, modest, in style without being overly trendy, enough accessories to look special but not over done–and most of all she looked comfortable and natural. I love it!

After these photos in the red blazer {I want this outfit so badly} the weather started to take a turn. Little drops of rain began to fall, the wind picked up and it got colder. The way this gal could control her face and look so beautiful with wind-blown hair and ice cold hands–it floored me. I’m so glad we went out to the country and got these shots–despite the weather. I love the look of the wind in her skirt and how you can see some rain drops on the fabric. It’s all very magaziney.

I think she was glad to put on a cozy flannel shirt after those photos!

Congratulations to Lilly on her senior year! Thanks for choosing me to capture this special season in your life!