by Amy | Aug 17, 2015 | Blog, The Art of the Moment

I am so excited to be sharing the Rodgers Family’s 2nd Annual Photo Session with you today. I love repeat clients–so I was super pumped when Janet emailed and asked if I’d be interested in getting together on their farm again this summer for some photos of their gang. Sometimes large family photos can be challenging–but these guys made it as easy as eating ice cream after dinner.
You can see last year’s images here. And–if you want a closer look at the senior in the house…check out Sylvia’s senior session here and here. (more…)
by Amy | Aug 6, 2015 | Blog, The Art of the Moment
Yesterday I showed you part one of Sylvia’s senior portraits–senior pictures with her best friend Anna. Tonight I’m delighted to showcase solo images of Sylvia. So many things worked in our favor on the evening of her session…lovely temperatures, very little wind, wild flowers growing along deserted paths, mosquitoes were scarce, and the sunset was the kind that causes you to stop and remember that the whole world is a masterpiece.
Yes, it was pretty spectacular. And her photos are some of my all time favorites. Gorgeous, fun, country senior pictures. Flannel, trucks, pretty dresses in deserted places, dirt roads. I love it.

{Can we pause a second to marvel at her hair??! I’ve never seen more beautiful, real, untreated hair. Seriously.}

See that image on the right? It’s one of my absolute faves from her session. If you think it’s pretty in color–just wait until you see it in B&W. Head over to the Facebook page to vote for which version you like best. If at least 40 people vote Sylvia will win a free print of the favorite!

As usual, I’m grateful and honored to be the person Sylvia chose to capture this special season in life. It was so much fun photographing her {and Anna too} and I wish her the very best senior year ever!
by Amy | Aug 6, 2015 | Blog, The Art of the Moment
I really like repeat clients. It’s super fun to see how people grow and change between sessions. So I was absolutely tickled when I was asked to photograph Sylvia’s senior photos. I’d met her last year when I photographed her family–her large, gorgeous, family–on their lovely farm. This fall she starts her senior year and we had so much fun shooting her senior photos…especially since her best friend Anna joined us! Senior photos and best friend photos — it doesn’t get much better than this.
I spent the evening with these upstanding young ladies and their mothers. From the train tracks to a vintage truck parked in canola–I can’t imagine cooler locations to photograph. In fact–Sylvia’s session was so outstanding that I decided to break her preview in to two parts. Tonight I’m showcasing photos of the two girls together. Tomorrow, I’ll be showing off solo photos of Sylvia. So be sure to come back for more. {Side note…these are literally some of the most beautiful photos I’ve ever taken. I think it has something to do with the perfect light, and their salon-magazine-hair…seriously, isn’t it just so pretty?}
Without further ado–enjoy Anna and Sylvia: best friend photos.

I seriously love these. And I cannot say enough positive things about these two. Smart. Funny. Giggly. Bible-loving. Christ-following. Power friendships like these give me confidence that the future is going to be awesome.
Remember to come back tomorrow to see Sylvia’s images.
by Amy | Aug 3, 2015 | Blog, The Art of the Moment
A few days before Sydney’s session I was driving north of town and was utterly taken aback by the gorgeous canola fields. I’m telling you–there is really nothing more stunning than a Practically Canadian summer. Nothing. The countryside is simply breath taking and the weather is sweet.
Anyway–back to canola.
I had this thought–I’ve done sunflower sessions and snow sessions, but never canola sessions. Suddenly it just seemed silly. Why wouldn’t I take advantage of fields of waist high yellow flowers as far as the eye could see? Ideally I would have offered mini sessions in the canola–but that just didn’t pan out. Instead, I took Sydney there with me for some canola field senior pictures. And I’m so glad she was game to come along. The air grew cooler, the sun dipped low and we spent the golden hour in the golden fields. I’m super pleased with the results and I’m thrilled to be sharing some of my favorite images with you today.

If you follow the Facebook page, you might have seen this image that I created. This happened during Sydney’s shoot. A family on horseback came trotting down the tractor path as we were finishing up. They’d braved a slow walk past a clump of field bee hives swarming with very busy buzzers. I’d driven past the hives earlier in the day scouting our location. They swarmed my car and gave me a creepy Hitchcock-eerie feeling. When I asked them about the ride past the hives one of the girls said, “Those were NOT there last week. It was like fear factor.” They were eager to ride away from the bees, literally into the sunset.

Anyway…back to Sydney. In addition to amazing shots in the canola, we also got these. Seriously some of my favorites from the night.

If it were up to me every hour would be sunset and every photo would be in a field. But that would be pretty darn boring. So we also shot around town–and I wasn’t disappointed with our location choices. Seriously. Sparkly skirt + shabby alley?? Yes, please!

Oh, and did I mention she’s an athlete?! I worked up a sweat climbing high enough to nab this one…but the result is worth it.

The downside about Practically Canada {okay besides the long commute between towns, and subzero winters} is that road construction has a very limited season. Currently our downtown streets are all torn up. Cons: We wandered around, unable to figure out how to get to places I had in mind to shoot. Pros: There was no traffic and we nabbed a super-cool photo in the middle of the street…until a construction crew drove heavy machinery through and gave us a weird look.

Which brings us to the end of Sydney’s preview. It’s been sweet, hasn’t it? I’m so glad she chose me to capture her senior portraits. Remember to head over to the Facebook page and vote in the B&W vs Color challenge to help Sydney win a free 8×10″ print of the winning image.

by Amy | Jul 29, 2015 | Blog, The Art of Gathering, The Art of the Moment
It seems like eons ago that I shot Anne and Jay’s g-g-g-gorgeous wedding. In reality it was only weeks ago…but I suppose that’s how summer goes up here in Practically Canada. We wait for it all year long, then before we know it it’s practically fall again.
But, today’s post is far too warm and sunny to spend our time talking about dropping temps. So instead, let me tell you what an immense privilege it was for me to be a part of this big day. There is nothing that delights my heart more than watching two people who love Jesus, commit to one another in marriage. I love weddings that put Christ at the center–it’s such a beautiful picture. A miniature, mortal diorama of the love Christ has for His church and the love and submission we are called to give Him.
Anne and Jay’s big day was beautiful on all the levels a day can be: spiritually God-honoring, picture perfect weather, DIY decor that will make Pinners drool, delectable home-cooked food, beautiful singing, and a crowd of friends and family that filled the dance floor. Now, without any more chit-chat…let’s relive the day.

If I did my wedding all over again…I’d do a first look. It’s so special for the bride and groom to have a few minutes together alone before the craziness sets in. {Well–alone except for a creepy photographer standing off to the side…} Anne and Jay exchanged some meaningful gifts during these moments and their sincere reactions are really what the Art of the Moment is all about.

This ring bearer…he’s too much. He’s just. so. cute!! You might even recognize him from last winters Christmas mini sessions…

Oh, did I mention that Jay sang a song to Anne during the ceremony? Yeah, he did. This couple is just that precious.

Now. If you are into crafts, DIY and all things awesome…take a moment to go to the bathroom right now. If you don’t, I’m afraid you’ll wet yourselves with giddy excitement when you see the adorable reception details that Anne coordinated and crafted {along with help from friends and family}. Okay? Scroll down…but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Chalk board signs. A cookie bar. A COOKIE BAR!! A pop corn bar. One of the cutest photobooths I’ve ever laid eyes on. Gorgeous graphic printables. An awesome kids area. Cupcakes galore. Ball jars. Wholesale roses in DIY arrangements. {Read…they did their own floral!} Color me impressed. This was a seriously gorgeous fete.

I only post my favorite favorite images here in the preview…so I love all of these–but I really, really love those shots from the father-daughter dance. What a moment.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Borseth. I’m so very honored to have spent the day with you and your amazing families. Your images are all done and will be in the mail to you tomorrow!!
by Amy | Jul 17, 2015 | Blog, The Art of the Moment

This is Mikaela. She’s crazy photogenic. Like, seriously. I photograph a lot of people–and I love them all–but she was seriously easy to shoot. She’s natural and confident in front of the camera, and magically has complete control over her face. {Something I’m still trying to master.}
I had a great time hanging out with Mikaela and her family prop-hauling, bubble-blowing, hair-fixing, pose-suggesting entourage. She asked for shooting locations that were unique, she was up for pretty much anything, and she specifically wanted some shots standing in the water. I think the session we put together answered that call. The class of 2016 senior season is shaping up to be my best ever.

Mikaela is the first athlete I’ve ever photographed with gear. And it was so. much. fun. Especially the part where her mom and uncle were holding a {surprisingly heavy} volleyball net up in the background. It was so kind of Surrey to unlock the school for us so we could get this shots on her home court.
And speaking of school spirit…I think Surrey’s bleachers are just darling. So I insisted that we take a few shots there too.

From there things got a little itchy. If you’ve looked at my other work, you might have noticed that nearly every senior shoot ends up in an open field somewhere. Mikaela was no different. Like I said, she was a sport–wading into tall grass, looking beautiful with gorgeous back lighting…all the while being eaten alive by North Dakota’s state bird–the mosquito. By the end of this series, I was literally shooing the blood suckers off her arms and legs in droves. She might feel differently…but I think the end result was worth all the swatting.

The last stop of our photo-adventure was the back side of Roosevelt Park. It took a lot of scouting to come up with this place, but I think it’s absolutely perfect. And isn’t that hat precious?! She’s so cute. Not to mention that our day was perfect too–I mean how often in Practically Canada do you get an evening with absolutely no wind? Look at this super still water!
{And, I should add that we owe a big THANK YOU to our amazing bubble blowers. They risked falling in the river to help us get these shots!}

Okay. I mentioned earlier in the post that she wanted some images in water. Well…this is what we came up with and I’m pretty much in love. That’s why I saved them for last here. The lighting, the sunset, the water…stunning. These photos are cool. And that’s all there is to it.

So there you have it. I am so happy with the way these photos came out and I hope she will be too! As you can see, I had a lot of favorites from this session…so I had a VERY hard time choosing just one for the B&W vs Color challenge on the Facebook page. So I didn’t just pick one. I picked two. Be sure to head over to Facebook and vote for your favorite. If enough people chime in with an opinion, Mikaela will win a free print!
by Amy | Jul 13, 2015 | Blog, The Art of Adventure, The Art of the Moment

Once upon a time when I was new to Practically Canada I was strolling through our local bookstore. For the first time ever, I laid eyes on one of the Ghosts of North Dakota photo books. Instantly, I was captured. Naturally I gravitate toward desolate, creepy things–it’s a quirk that leads me to long walks in cemeteries and a love of all things fall. {But now I’m getting off topic.}
Ever since that first peek at Ghosts of North Dakota, I’ve thought a session in one of the Practically Canadian ghost towns would be simply the best. I also knew it would take a very special senior to pull off such a sweet spot…it would also take a special senior to want to trek out to a ghost town with me for their senior portraits.
Maddie is that special senior. While eating Easter dinner with her family {they were kind enough to take Derek and me in for the holiday} we started chatting about photos. She told me she wanted something really different. She likes vintage, she’s got timeless beauty, and for some reason enjoys my company enough that she and her mom didn’t mind spending an hour in the car with me en route to our location. She was perfect for this location. I’m so glad she was game for a ghost town and I’m so excited to share this preview with all of you tonight.
by Amy | Jul 7, 2015 | Blog, The Art of the Moment
When Denise first emailed me to inquire about a photo session for her three sons, she used the words “fun” and “playful” to describe the feeling she wanted to communicate. I am so glad those are the adjectives she chose, because had she said, “posed” and “traditional,” I don’t think I could have delivered on that promise.
I’ve found that the best photos are those that match the personality of the subjects. Serious people take really nice serious photos. Zany people can pull off wacky poses. It’s all about knowing yourself, and as a photographer, knowing your audience. Denise knows her audience very well. Her sons are very sweet and very handsome–but two out of the three have a hard time sitting still. {I’ll give you one guess as to who’s who.} So instead of sitting and posing, we played and ran around and laughed…and the younger two did a little whomping on their {dazzlingly patient} older brother. All in all, I think we had fun {at least I did} and hopefully the two little ones were worn out by the end of it all.

I’m pretty much in love with this series of images. It’s all fun and games to the middle child–meanwhile the well meaning youngest just giggles.

While the boys were laying on the blanket the little ones were pretending to sneeze–then laughing wildly. I still don’t quite understand why it was so funny. To me the funniest part was that one would go, “Ahh, Ahhh, ahh…” then roll over toward toward Jordan {big brother} and let out a spit-shooting “CHOO!” Then they’d laugh again and roll around, occasionally giving Jordan a solid hit on the head…or kick to the belly.

The moral of the story is, I love people with personality–and I love parents that are eager to let that personality show in photos. That’s the Art of the Moment. I’m sure as time goes on, they’ll learn to sit still–and stop hitting–and smile on command–and stop pretending that they just “fell asleep” with closed eyes and gaping mouth when Mom requests that they look at the camera {yes, that was happening}–but I think these things are precious and worth remembering. Unabashed childhood and confidence to be a full fledged goof ball on picture day are fleeting. I think it’s a stage of life worth freezing and keeping forever.