Jordan | Class of 2015

senior photos library

In January I was contacted by a very sweet “senior mom.”  You know, a mom of a high school senior.  She had a request that was unique for me–unique for January in Practically Canada.  Her son, Jordan needed senior portraits.  He will be graduating in 2015.  He’d like his photos outdoors.  He’d like them in the snow.  And so I started on a quest to create the perfect winter senior portrait session, just for him.


In other parts of the country, this request might not have been such a tall order.  But here, where the wind howls with temps that could make a penguin shiver {okay, maybe I’m exaggerating just a bit}, where the wind blows hard and strong, where snow can blow away over night, and snow might not even be in the forecast despite the cold air–it was a tricky request.  But you know me.  I like a challenge.


So I agreed.  I explained that we may need to schedule and reschedule.  And they were okay with that.  And that’s just what we did.  Take #1–unseasonably warm {40˚ F} weather melted our snow leaving brown, muddy terrain.  Take #2–winds of 30 mph, and a windchill advisory kept us inside.  Take #3–the high was -8˚, again, we cancelled.  Take #4–27˚, snow on the ground, snow in the forecast, no wind–jackpot.

winter senior photosWe were still pretty chilly–but it really was a magical afternoon and I love the effect.  I’m simply smitten with the images in this first group–especially the one on the left where you can see the snow falling!

winter senior photoswinter senior photosI’d say the scheduling and rescheduling was worth it.  Eeek!!  I just love these!

winter senior photosJordan loves reading, so at the end of our chilly session we headed to one of my very favorite places in town–the library.  The staff at the Minot Public Library are amazing.  They’ve let me shoot inside several times now, and I am so grateful.  I think these images stuffed with books are just the coolest.  This was my favorite part of the session because I learned that Jordan and I have similar taste in books–and similar pet peeves when book and movie don’t line up like we think they should.

library senior portraitslibrary senior portraits

Congratulations on your senior year!  I had an amazing time working with you–and meeting your amazing mom.  I’m so grateful that you let me share this special snowy afternoon with you.



Carter is ONE! | 12 month portraits

12 month portraits

A couple weeks back I got to hang out with this guy.  Color me lucky, because even though I possess the super power of putting him on the verge of tears with a simple look {forget any physical contact!} he still stole my heart.  Maybe it’s that whole hard-to-get thing that draws me in.  So, while I wasn’t his favorite person in the world {or maybe it was just the camera that made him wary} I still had a blast.  There is something classically comical about a child who starts fussing every time the camera goes up to the face.  His antics generated some pretty good laughs for me and his daddy who accompanied him to his portrait session.


At the end of it all–the grumpy, the fussy, a few rounds of  “You are my sunshine,” and a few other songs sung by his dad–we ended up with some pretty good stuff.  Honestly, every smile and every expression was worth the work.  So, without further delay, here are some highlights from Carter’s 12 month photo session.

carter chalkboard collage

12 month portraits

12 month portraits

Happiest of birthdays {belated…} to Carter!  I hope this year is filled with lots of walking, running and all the pickles, oranges and raisins your tummy can stomach!  {Or at least as many as your parents will allow.}





Mr. & Mrs. Skinner

Remember that crazy long road trip we took earlier in the month?  Well…a major reason for taking it was to get to this amazing wedding.  Why, so amazing?  Let me tell you.  First of all, it was held in Louisiana…so I worked all day with no jacket–despite the fact that it was January.  Second, the event was beautifully coordinated by the Girls in Black.  But, thirdly and most importantly…it was amazing because it was the wedding of one of our dearest friends:  Jon Skinner.


In this lifestyle it is very rare that we can attend these major life events.  So the fact that we got to attend and they honored me by asking that I do the photography was huge.  Jon has been a part of our lives since Derek’s first pilot training base.  I hope he remains in our lives forever and ever.  And now, knowing Jon comes with a bonus:  Gwen.  She’s fun and bubbly and gorgeous.  I am thrilled for this couple and just so happy to know them.


Okay…but enough chit chat.  The moment we’ve all been waiting for…Jon and Gwen.

Skinner bridal prep

Skinner bridal prepI love snapping a photo of the bride when she catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror–all prettied up for the big event.Skinner ringSkinner dressThis just might be my favorite photo of the whole day.  I think it sums up what every bride wants in a maid of honor…heck, I think it sums best friendship in a nutshell.  Only a bestie would remind you of deodorant, apply it, look adorable doing it, and make you laugh in the process.  Skinner first lookI always love the daddy first look, don’t you?  But–can it compete with the reaction of a groom when he first lays eyes on his bride?  {It’s a toss up.}Skinner first lookSkinner first look

Skinner first look

Skinner first lookSkinner first lookskinner bridalSkinner first lookskinner bridesmaidsskinner groomsmenskinner bridal partyCan we all just take a moment to appreciate the excitement of a certain groomsman in this image?  skinner weddingskinner weddingfirst dancefamily dancingskinner cakecakeskinner cakedancingtosskissfamilyexitIt really was a day for the books.  Have I mentioned how much I like these people?!  Congratulations on your wedding–it was gorgeous {and now you have photos to prove it.}  I loved capturing this wedding so much, I’ll be posting more from this day on Facebook in the coming days…but I want the couple to get their flash drives first–so they can enjoy them in private before I show all of them off to the world!Thank you again for letting me capture these moments for you.  I cannot wait until our paths cross again {and I’ll cross my fingers that that crossing takes place at Harry Potter World…deal?}xoAmy

The Burnsides {Winter Maternity Session}

winter maternity, Minot, ND

We are down to the last few hours of 2014.  Before the “holiday season” officially comes to a close–and we all get out the label makers, gym shoes and cleaning supplies…as we vow to be more organized, more faithful to our workout routine, and more tidy–I simply must squeeze in one more holiday portrait session.


Meet the Burnside duo…soon to be a trio.  We lucked out when as portrait session fell on one of those magical Minot days when December temps are in the 30’s.  Snow is still sticking to the ground, but you can feel your fingers and the air doesn’t give you a brain freeze.  It was a gorgeous day and this is a gorgeous couple.  I’m so happy to have had the chance to get to know them and capture the art of this special season in their lives.


winter maternity

As we ventured around downtown Minot, I noticed the adorable window display at Minot’s most adorable baby boutique–Lulu Lane.  Seriously, if you live in Minot and haven’t been, you really need to stop in.  It’s precious times a thousand.  I thought since we were working with a holiday theme, a little candy land sparkle in the background would be a nice touch.


Little did I know the gems who work inside Lulu Lane would invite us inside to take photos in their lovely shop, with their delightfully sparkly decor!  At first I hesitated.  But the giant pink tree {the Burnsides are expecting a GIRL} and the notion of warm fingers eventually got the best of me and we took them up on the offer.  I am so glad we did.

winter maternity

winter maternity

I loved these super natural giggly moments with these two.  How cute are they?!

winter maternity

And what would a winter maternity session be without a few more photos in the snow?  I’ll tell you what…incomplete.  I love these evergreen images from Scandinavian Heritage Park.

winter maternity

winter maternity

winter maternity

Thank you so much to Lulu Lane!  Seriously, you guys rock.  Shooting inside your shop was a joy.  And a huge thanks to the Burnsides!  The world will be very blessed to meet a person who has her parents’ energy and charm!


Happy New Year everyone!




A Wonderful Christmas Time {a friends photo shoot}

When Jessica got in touch with me to ask if I’d be willing to do a photo session for her and a group of friends I was immediately excited.  I know this group.  I like this group.  They are 100% fun.


In Jessica’s initial message asking about the session she told me that they wanted to capture this unique season in life.  Young, unmarried, most of them living away from family.  In a lot of ways this group of friends has become family.  And that’s a magical, special thing.  Maybe as you scroll through these images you’ll see a piece of yourself and your own friends looking back at you.  I hope you’ll smile as you remember those good times with the family that didn’t share your DNA.  Or that you’ll feel especially grateful for your own amazing friends.  Or that you’ll pick up your phone and send a message {or actually place a call} to a friend from a season in your life that has come and gone.  Moments are special and relationships are gifts worth cherishing…a big thanks to every single member of this group for letting me hang out and capture the art of this moment for you.

Friend Christmas shoot

Friend Christmas shoot

You might be wondering what it is about these people that is so dear to me.  Well…let me tell you.  As you can tell by that list I wrote up of things to do in-and-around Minot this winter, I like doing things.  And I like people who do things.  This group does things.  They go out, they stay in, they are welcoming and hospitable to new-to-the-area folks and {correct me if I’m wrong} the Minot Young Adult Facebook group sprung from this very gang.

Friend Christmas shoot

Friend's Christmas Shoot Minot, ND

I simply adore that these antlers were worn constantly during the session.


This was a VERY windy, very snowy, very cold day.  But what is a full length, Practically Canadian, Christmas photo session without a few outdoor shots?  So, we watched the window carefully.  And when the snow and wind had calmed enough that we could actually see more than a pure sheet of white…we bundled up and braved the cold.  It was very brave.

Friend's Christmas Shoot Minot, ND

Friend's Christmas Shoot Minot, ND

Friend's Christmas Shoot Minot, ND

Friend's Christmas Shoot Minot, ND

Then they literally ran back inside for more cookie making.  I’ve never seen so much raw cookie dough consumed in one sitting before.  I’m not judging.  I’m not even mad…I’m impressed.  Oh, and please notice the amazing cookie cutter shapes they had.

Friend's Christmas Shoot Minot, ND

Friend's Christmas Shoot Minot, ND

Friend's Christmas Shoot Minot, ND

Friend's Christmas Shoot Minot, ND

Friend's Christmas Shoot Minot, ND

Friend's Christmas Shoot Minot, ND


Christmas Sessions 2014 {My Favorites}

The day has finally arrived…Christmas photo day!  Today I’ll be sharing my favorite shot {or in some cases shots} from each mini session I did over the last several weeks.  I don’t like to be a photo spoiler…so when it comes to Christmas photos I send them to the clients first.  Then I only share one {or two} here on the site…in case they are surprising family and friends with images for Christmas.


Anyway, today is the big day.  I’m showing off my favorites.  So grab some cocoa.  Turn up the Bing Crosby, and enjoy!


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

If you follow the Facebook page, you will recognize these two cuties from the preview I posted last night.  I love that Momma brought cookies, milk and Christmas jammies!

Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

This little elf is on the sassy side.  At first all she did was roll her eyes at me.  Really, she rolled them!  But after a bit she cracked a smile–and I’m so glad she did!  Adorbes!  {You can see more of this sassy pant here with her cousins.}


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

Can I just say that I’m in love with this sister shot??  I love everything about it.

Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

Have you ever seen a baby with cooler hair than this?  I haven’t.


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

This dog’s name is Wrinkles.  She is adorable and had no problem wearing antlers and a sweater.  Seriously!  What a hunnie!  {See more of Kate and Jake…sans pup, here.}


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

If you are wondering why this precious ginger baby is grinning so brightly….it’s because this guy was behind me cracking her up!

Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

I loved working with this couple.  And my heart fluttered when she texted me to say that she’s getting canvas prints of her images!!  Love that.

Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

On my first day of shooting a plastic snowflake hanging from the ceiling got tangled in my messy bun and I ripped it off it’s fishing line.  Little did I know that was a God-send.  Give an anti-smiler a snowflake to hold…make a reference to Frozen…and they are putty in your hands.

This pistol hated the idea of having a photo taken by himself.  But he loves his momma…and playing hide and seek with snowflakes.


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

You’ve seen these two before.  They get real giggly when they have to kiss under pressure.  Which cracks me up.  They also claim that they aren’t photogenic…but I don’t buy it.


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

This is a great photo.  It’s snuggly and Christmasy and warm.

Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

This is an even better photo because these two adults appear to be afraid of the faux snow I gave them to throw.  I warned them it was just glitter.


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

Remember Wrinkles and how well behaved she was?  This is Max.  He is about the size of a bear.  And he was terrified of my kitchen floor, basement stairs, and sitting still.  This is his best shot {sorry his face has a flake in it!}.  The poor guy was so scared his daddy had to carry him up the stairs and out to the car like a baby.  A very big, fury, intimidating baby.  Pretty much one of my favorite moments of mini sessions.

Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

This guy insisted on giving me “the look.”  The look that says, “Lady, I don’t know who you are…and you haven’t earned a smile from me…and I don’t find you funny.”  Lucky for us, he is ticklish.  And his parents know the sweet spot.  I adore this image.

Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

And speaking of ticklish, laughable moments, how about this one?  Presh.


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

Or this one?  I love catching the antics of grown ups trying to get kiddos to smile.


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

Look at this blue eyed beauty!  She was a gem.  It took a little work, but those giggles were worth it!  And although she tried to eat the Christmas lights, I’ll forgive her–because…just look at her.  How can you not?


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

This tiny man wins my fictitious award for best dressed toddler.  So stylish.  And that look on his face.  So sweet.


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

Oh, are we talking about sweet things?  What about Santa Baby?  Love that face!


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

Someday this photo might be seen as embarrassing for her.  But right now, in this moment, she loves that purple-bear-snow suit and she isn’t afraid to show it.  Ridiculously adorable.


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

I have no words to describe how much a adore these facial expressions.  What a moment.  What a trio.  What a smoulder…


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

You’ve seen this gang before!  Every time we work together it’s a hoot!  With four kiddos the room is bursting with personality, and I love every second of it.


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

I love that this super special group of girl friends got together for photos.  This is my absolute favorite of the bunch.  Doesn’t this photo just remind you how precious friends are?

Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

There is something special about sibling photos.  And I love this one.  It’s fully of personality…and a little mischief!


Christmas mini sessions Minot, ND

And last, but not least…as Thanksgiving tradition holds, it’s the Allender family Christmas portrait.  These are my adorable parents, and their very spoiled, very lovey dog, Lady.  Yes, she is wearing a scarf and a wreath.  No she doesn’t mind.  All she wants is to kiss my mom’s face.


Thank you to ever single family that chose me for their Christmas portraits.  I had a absolute blast and I hope you did too.  Thank you for coming to my house, laughing at my jokes…and not being too creeped out by my very un-legit set up.  I love you all and I will personally recommend you all for the Nice List, if Santa asks.


Merriest, jolliest, happiest of Christmases to all of you.




Thanksgiving 2014


I really hope you had a happy Thanksgiving.  I know I did.  This year I have so much to be thankful for…which, I guess, is true every year, but this time around I’ve been acutely aware of all I have and just how blessed I am.  I’m walking {mostly pain free}, I just got the o-k to start jogging, work is good, I’m crazy about Derek {nothing has changed in that department}, the family is healthy, and Mom and Dad were able to make the trip up to Practically Canada for the third time to celebrate with us.


That’s just a few.  My list could go for ages.  I’m sure yours could too.  And that’s a good thing.


Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  Maybe because it happens on my own turf.  We don’t travel, usually Mom and Dad come up to us.  There’s much less stress, I get to make lots of food, I sleep in my own bed, and it’s an occasion that calls for board gaming while the food coma is wearing off.  I love it.  I also love that my Minot bestie, Katie and her husband Sean usually join us too.


This year, I went a totally different route with lots of things.  Different brine, different turkey, different pie, different stuffing.  I was nervous.  But let me tell you…this is the best turkey {and pie} I’ve ever made.  Here’s the secret.  Start by reading this article from Alton Brown {my culinary hero.}  I used his brine recipe, and lots of his handy tips.  And–I learned the science behind cooking a turkey.

Next, while shooting a newborn session for the Rockwells {remember the maternity session}, Sarah’s father asked if I’d ever heard of “spatchcocking” a turkey.  Nope.  And, no, I’m not making that word up.   It’s kind of weird…but it makes lots of sense.  You cut the back bone out, then roast the turkey on a cookie sheet.  Laying it out flat let’s all the meat cook faster and more evenly.  To let you know just how fast…I cooked up a 14lb bird in about 80 minutes!  Martha explains the technique really well.  Just be sure to put some water in the pan and set the bird up on a bed of onions so the juices don’t burn up!

I rubbed the turkey down with compound butter.  What’s that?  It’s a treasure in butter form.  Try this recipe from Alton Brown.  Or this one from Miss Information Blog.

Now, pie.  I make a killer apple pie.  Someday I’ll give you the recipe for that.  But in the mean time–let me show you this gorgeous recipe I used from Southern Living.  A little time consuming, but entirely worth the effort.

I should have taken better food photos.  But alas–I was too eager to eat.  So, I only have these crummy Instagram shots.  My bad.


Perhaps one of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions is whipping out the big, fancy camera {which we usually have set upon the tripod for the timered shot of everyone at the table} for some after-dinner photos.  I’ve told you all the details and all the foody stuff.  Now, I’ll force some random photos on you, that {hopefully} invite you right into my living room, into our holiday.





{I’ve just got to say…I’m the absolute weirdest in photos.  Why am I holding my cup like that?  Why??}


The Sorensen Family | Family Portrait Preview

Family Portrait

I’ve been sitting at my computer for 20 minutes now.  I’ve typed up nearly a dozen intro paragraphs for this post and all of them seem to fall flat.  They’ve been deleted and retyped over and over and over.  Why so many rewrites?  Well, the thing is, the family you see before your eyes was such a pleasure to work with, their children so darling, so witty, the photos so pretty…I just can’t come up with a hook for this post that describes that to you sufficiently.


So I’ll say this:  This is the Sorensen family.  I was nervous when mom, Nichelle {yes, I love that name too!} told me they had five kids ranging in age from 12 to only a few months old.  But as soon as the crew unloaded from the car for their family portrait session, my worries melted away at seeing these lovely strawberry-blonde kiddos.  I love the personality in this family.  It’s diverse and intoxicating.  Everyone had great attitudes {even the littlest of the bunch} despite the chilly air–there was a mad dash for jackets between shots–and the notorious North Dakota wind.  I had such a great time with this gang and I am just so very pleased that they picked me to capture the art of this moment together.


Family Portrait

Family Portraits

kid portraits

kid portraits

kid portraits

My experience has shown me that among siblings {especially in large families} there is usually one that really likes to be photographed.  This, is that child for the Sorensens.  And if you look at the other photos, I think it shows.  I’m a fan of all kids–but there is a special place in my heart for fellow posers like myself.  {As a child I was the kid who loved getting photos taken, and I hated being told how to pose–I had plenty of ideas on that myself!}

kid portraits

They say pictures are worth a thousand words.  I’m not sure about a full thousand.  But I can attest to the fact that every photo has a story.  I don’t share them all, but I will share this–because it is irresistibly cute.  I snapped lots of photos of the family on this day.  Lots and lots were taken in an attempt to try and get a “natural smile” on this little one’s face.  She was the coldest of them all.  So it took a little coaxing to get her to sit and smile with the rest of the family.


At one point she asked for a treat after they were done.  She has awesome parents, who said, of course she could have a treat.  Then they asked her what she’d like.  What did she think they should get as a reward for smiling pretty?


A piece of gum.  Just one.  Adorable.  Kids crack me up.  Their minds are so candid.  I think it’s very endearing.  She smiled very pretty, and I hope she got that piece of gum she was so excited about.

kid portraits

sibling portraits

mom and dad

family portrait

This was a seriously fun group to work with.  I hope you love your photos as much as I do.  And I really hope there’s one worthy of the wall or a Christmas card in here.  Your flash drive is on the way!




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