Please, oh please tell me you’ve seen the movie “Fried Green Tomatoes.”  It’s a 90’s classic.  And you know how I feel about the 90’s.  {FIY I love the 90’s.}

For those of you poor suckers who haven’t seen it, I’ll give you a brief…very brief overview.  And a tip:  Go rent it.  It’ll only cost you a dollar.

Iggie Threadgood is a rough and tumble tom-boy living in Alabama in the 1920’s and 30’s.  She isn’t ladylike and she has no desire to be.  She is courageous and mighty and adventurous.  Whenever she does something really brave {like rescuing her BFF from an abusive husband} she yells “Tawanda!”  Or “Tawanda, the amazing Amazon woman.”  I don’t know the backstory on that, but that’s just what she says.  Later in the movie a present day Cathy Bates yells Tawanda while she rams her car into a punks vehicle at the grocery store and when she tears down a wall in her house.


It’s a very hear-me-roar phrase.

Anyway.  As you can see from the photo, I’ve started another project.  As I alluded to in my post about the chair and the Gliffy program.  This is my biggest undertaking to date.  And I’m totally in charge.  Which is fun, but stressful and challenging all at once.  Ready?

I’m renovating my 2nd floor.  What does that entail?  Lemme tell you.  Removing two walls, expanding the guest room closet, framing a master closet, refinishing hardwood floors, learning to texture plaster, framing a new master closet, framing a new wall…and of course painting and finishes.

I told you it was big.  But don’t freak out.  I’ve enlisted help.  I’ve hired a professional to help me get the big wall down.  He’s coming May 11th.  And somehow I’ve suckered lots of friends into helping get walls out, carpet up, and debris to the dump.  Man, I’m blessed.

The prep is well underway.  My sweet, darling, lovely friend Emily has been husbandless this week.  Her sweetie was off doing some training.  So she volunteered to hang out with me…Tawanda style.  Together we’ve ripped out a closet wall and removed nearly all of the carpeting that needs to go.  I really should mention that we took that crappy closet wall out mostly with roundhouse kicks.  Yep, because we are that awesome.

Our biggest helper is her dog Ellie.  {Panda has been hiding in the basement.  She doesn’t like dogs or loud noises…it’s been a rough week for her.}

So, things are good.  You know it’s been a productive week when trash day looks like this:

I’m calling this demolition therapy.  You like?  Oh, and I should mention one more thing.  I’m on a timeline.  My family will be up to PraCan to visit June 8th…so all the work {yes all} needs to be completed by then.  Tell me one thing.  Amy I totally crazy, or just a little?

Have a great weekend.  I hope yours includes less carpet glue remover than mine will.


xoxo Amy


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