We’re in the red-hot center of a military move. I don’t often write about military life. Partly because there is so much confidential–I don’t want to write something that I shouldn’t, or compromise the safety of our troops in any way. A bigger part is that I often don’t understand military life, even though I’m smack dab in the middle of it.

There are so many pieces to this lifestyle that are always moving. And so many things about this life that cause me anxiety, stress and even things that trigger depression. I often don’t share because I am usually not in a positive headspace to share anything productive. (My words would probably just confuse anyone who read them!) But something is shifting. With this move things feel different. Even though this is maybe the craziest move of all, I have an uncanny calm. Today I’m going to harness that and write a little about our move.

Every move is different. If you know someone in the military (or married into it) I hope this will give you some insight. If you are in, or joining via marriage–I hope this will help you see that you aren’t alone. We’re all doing crazy things to make it work and get our families resettled. Even if it means flying cats across America and living out of a suitcase for months at a time.

So, without further ado, here’s what our move process has looked like this time around.

Like all moves, military or otherwise, our move started long before we packed up our bags and took one last family photo in the driveway. Because of the structure of Derek’s job, we knew a move was on the horizon quite a while ago. And, yes…the rumors are true…we made it known that we preferred to return to Minot. In this life you don’t always get your preference, but this time it worked out. And we praise God for that!

Now, you might know that I have a deep love for South Dakota and I’ve had a passionate affair with our house there. I didn’t write too much about it, but I loved it from the first moment I laid eyes on it. I knew it was special. Yes, I’m a house whisperer. No judgment please.

I’m always attached to my home, but this one was different. Derek and I have hopes of returning to Rapid City. And if we are going to return at some point, we’d like to come home. To our home. Canyon Lake Cottage.

And quite frankly, if we sold the Cottage–we couldn’t afford to buy it again now that it isn’t falling apart at the seams.

Loving a house is all well and good. But it does open a big can of confusing when it comes to moving across state lines. Since we want to keep our Rapid home, in hopes of coming back, that meant finding a way to make our house self-sustaining (read: we can’t pay two mortgages) while we’re away.

At first we thought Derek would be headed for a short term training assignment for his job in Minot in June/early July. If that was the case, Gideon and I would stay in Rapid City, find a renter to move in in the fall, and we’d all meet up in Minot, buy a house and have a nice, smooth move.

But things changed.

Derek’s training got pushed back to August, but he still needed to report to his new base at the end of June. Since we don’t like volunteering to spend time apart, unless we really need to–we decided we’d all move up to Minot in June.

And that’s what we did.

After lots of praying, we decided to open our house for the summer as a vacation rental via AirBnB. (I’ll be writing about that experience once the summer wraps up.) We moved furniture and personal items. We bought extra beds and dressers. I installed locks on closets to create “off limits” spaces. I decorated and photographed. Derek lined up (amazing) friends who would take care of turn over and lawn care. We asked for advice from everyone we could find with any experience in the short term rental game.

We listed and booked through Labor Day in three days. Praise God!

Things haven’t been without hiccups, but the summer has gone more smoothly than I could have imagined. It’s been so fun to share our favorite place with vacationers.

So that was one piece of our moving puzzle was taken care of.

With all moves (especially the military variety) there are many unknowns. When we were packing up to leave for the summer, we didn’t know what kind of house we would buy (a fixer or something move in ready.) We didn’t know if we’d end up renting for a while. Or how long we’d really be gone. Derek would be gone for training from August until November, but Gideon and I might be in Minot, Indiana, or come back to South Dakota.

It was so stressful deciding what to pack and how much to bring. We have two cars and a small trailer, and at the time, very little idea of how long we’d be gone. (I’ll also be writing on that later.)

After marathon days of planning, packing, praying, and good-byes we loaded up the cars. Derek drove with Panda cat and the trailer. I drove with Gideon.

When we got to Minot, we spent about 10 days living in a hotel. Then we moved in with a friend from church. She’s an older woman, and one of our favorite people on the planet. She has been kind enough to provide us with bedrooms and a kitchen and company and game nights and all the comforts of home until we close on our house. Gideon adores her, and is quite smitten with the retirement living lifestyle.

If you follow me on Instagram, you know we’ve house hunted and despite our preconceived ideas of finding a place that needed minimal work, we are in the process of purchasing the biggest project of our lives. (More on that to come.)

I have trepidations, but we’ve earnestly sought God in this whole process and this is where we find ourselves. I’d like to say I can imagine the adventure to come, but I don’t think I can even begin to comprehend the ride in store for us.

So here we are. Derek is in yet another state for training. Panda cat is being fostered by our lovely, kind friends. Gideon and I are taking bids from contractors. The process of getting “settled” has been so long and drawn out, but every day we get a little closer. Here are the “steps” we have left until we are officially fully transitioned back to life in Practically Canada.

  1. Get the house appraised.
  2. Gideon and I are headed to Indiana to visit family. Why not since we are homeless and already living out of suitcases?
  3. Find a long term renter for the Cottage in Rapid City–it’s available at the end of September if you know anyone looking!
  4. Go to South Dakota, supervise the movers as they pack up all our worldly possessions.
  5. Come back to Minot, close on the house.
  6. Get our cat and all move into the “new” house.
  7. Get moving on major “must do” projects before the Big Freeze settles in.
  8. Welcome Derek home in November.

See we’re basically done.

And now that I’ve written this big update my mind feels free to write about all the other things buzzing around in my head! Like how to pick a fixer-upper. How to live out of a suitcase for months at a time. How to find contractors. And of course, plenty of posts on how to love life in Minot!




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