Here’s the thing.  Derek is going to be leaving for a few days for a little work exercise.  And you all know what I like to do when Derek’s gone…right?  If not, look at this.  Or this.  Or this.

Another thing you may know about me is that I have a deep felt hatred for old carpet.  Especially carpet in bad carpet in ugly colors.  Especially old carpet that is hiding hardwood treasures.

This whole hating carpet thing really didn’t set in until we moved into our house here in PraCan.  In nearly every room we found bad, ugly, dusty, smelly carpet.  So I started ripping it out.  The stairs, the living room, the office, the bedroom.  Gone, gone, gone, gone.  Then, there was only one lonely room left with bad carpet:  the Guest Room.  Which is a bummer, because I love to entertain…and I feel like a big jerk when I shove a weekend visitor in the only ugly room in the house.  I feel terrible letting them shut the door before bed, only to sequester themselves in a room that has a weird smell coming from the floor.

Take a look.  This is the last time that you will see blue carpet in this house.

Guest Room Floor Before

Derek actually hasn’t left yet.  I had him help me move the furniture out.  I meant to wait until he was gone to start ripping…but I couldn’t.  It’s like opening a present when you see that natural, aged wood pop through.  He’s on the couch next to me now, taking in the premier of Parks and Rec…meanwhile, upstairs, the floor looks like this.

It only took a few minutes.  And I couldn’t resist.  Now, all that stands between me and a dazzling floor are a few staples, some tack strip and a couple coats of polyurethane.

Look for a B&A coming soon.  As in next week soon.  I’ve got a bestie coming!!!  And she’ll need an amazing room to relax in.



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