Why bunnies? Why eggs? Why doesn’t it look like spring? These can be tough questions to answer. This article was originally written for the Northern Sentry and I am so grateful for their partnership and support.
Tough Questions About Spring Symbolism
“Mom, why are there so many bunny things at Easter? Why do we hide eggs? What do eggs have to do with Easter anyway?”
These springtime questions seem to be an annual tradition in my household. And this year is no different. The first time the question arose, I delved into some research. Over the years, explaining the answer has become more straightforward. Sure, we could skirt the issue, or get lost in the weeds of pagan practices, fertility goddesses, and Christian symbology. But in my experience, its more effective to simplify. The answer is simple: spring and Easter point to hope and life.
Several days ago, my sons—now six and three years old—revisited the topic of rabbits, eggs, chicks, and Easter. “Think about it,” I replied. “Why do you think eggs and bunnies are symbols of Easter?”
“I don’t know,” my oldest said. “Because that stuff comes out in the spring? But isn’t it going to snow again? It doesn’t look like spring.”
“Yes, they are symbols of spring. Easter and spring are kind of knotted together. Symbols of spring often mirror those of Easter,” I explained.
Easter holds spiritual significance for my family. However, spring is a is a special time for all of us. It is a vital part of life’s rhythm, brimming with hope. Spring signals renewal and new growth, even after a season of stillness and snow. These transitional weeks are exhilarating, reassuring us that change is imminent. Spring and Easter reaffirm that warmth will return, life will regenerate, and growth persists—even when we can’t see it.
*NOTE: The answers below have been expanded from the original article.
Why are Bunnies an Easter/Spring Symbol? A Simple Answer
When explaining Easter to my children, I emphasize that all symbols of Easter and spring signify new life. “Did you know rabbits have a superpower?” I asked my boys. They laughed, and my three-year-old guessed that it was hopping. I elaborated, explaining that a bunny’s superpower is its ability to have babies. Lots and lots of babies. Rabbits remain fairly concealed throughout winter, almost forgotten. Then, spring arrives, and suddenly, bunnies abound— an abundance of life, almost as if by magic.
Spring serves as a reminder that life flourishes and multiplies after periods of scarcity.
As Christians, Jesus has told us to “Go make disciples.” I tell my kids, “When I see a bunny at Easter, I remember that Jesus wants His kingdom to expand; He wants my faith to lead to more who know Him as the Rescuer.”
Why Do We Use Eggs at Easter?
We then discussed eggs. From the outside, an egg seems mundane. It lays hidden, wears muted colors, and remains motionless. To the untrained eye, an egg appears dull and lifeless, resembling little more than a rock. However, inside, life is burgeoning, awaiting the perfect moment to emerge.
The outside of the egg can remind us of the rock rolled in front of Jesus’ tomb.
Inside the egg, a life form develops in darkness, instinctively moving towards transformation. For a chick, hatching propels them from a secure, dim world into a vivid, vibrant realm of life and possibility. Knowing that life is forming inside the egg reminds us that Jesus’ body did not stay dead, but life returned, even though we couldn’t see.
Spring reminds us that life happens even in dark, unremarkable places. It underscores that growth isn’t always flashy. Spring invites us to step into the light, embrace a colorful existence, leaving behind our empty shells.
I tell my kids, “An empty egg reminds me of Jesus’ empty tomb. The chick coming out of the egg reminds me that when Jesus rescues us, we can walk out of the darkness of sin and into new life.”
Why Do We Hide Eggs?
Why do we hide eggs? Because signs of new life and growth are worth seeking. I tell my kids that looking for eggs reminds me of Mathew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
Why are there treats inside? Because surviving winter to welcome back spring and summer merits celebration. From a Christian perspective, this is how I explain it to my kids. “The women were surprised when they came to find an empty tomb. Easter eggs also hold surprises for us.”
But It Doesn’t Look Like Spring?
“You also said it doesn’t look like spring. You’re right,” I said. Look outside. What do you notice about the trees and grass?”
“They’re dead.”
“The leaves are gone, and the grass isn’t green. But they aren’t dead. Death is final, irreversible. Do you think our trees will have leaves next month?” They both agreed they would. Not only do leaves return, but perennials come back heartier. Bushes grow taller, and grass requires regular trimming.
Winter ushers life into a dormant state. But dormant isn’t dead.
Spring reminds us that dormancy is temporary. Life can rebound more vigorously, even after months of bitter cold stillness. Even though Jesus died, a new kind of life was just beginning. He had to pass through death to bring Salvation and life to all. When we trust Jesus we come into a new life; even after our life on earth ends, a new kind of life continues in Heaven.
May this Easter weekend fill you with hope, and may spring inspire positivity. May the resilience of nature instill awe at life’s capacity to rejuvenate, refresh, and flourish anew.
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