This is a video post.  To lessen the frustration of waiting for the video to load…why not scroll down now, then read what I have to say?  By the time you’re done, you’ll be ready to watch.

A few months back I got an unexpected email.  I’ll tell you more about it next week, when I share the companion video to this post…but this gist is this.  I had been praying that God would open a door for me to use my professional skills to further His kingdom.

Then bam!  I was blessed with a tremendous opportunity to create a video to help gain support for Nick and Amanda Dunn’s upcoming mission to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  They are brave.  They’ll be gone 5 years.  The work they’ll be doing is awesome.

Like I said.  More next week.  For tonight I’ll just show you this video.  It’s a combination of footage the adorable couple in question sent me and photos from their trip to the mission field.  This is proof that when you ask God to provide outlets for you to use the talents He has given you, to do His work…He’ll provide.  We are all given specific abilities.  Even our silly quirks play a role in our life’s ministry.  Spend some time tonight thinking about your interests, passions and quirks.  Ask God to show you how they can be put to service.  You might discover something you never expected.

Now enjoy this short video.


God of this City: Missionary Support Video from Amy Allender on Vimeo.


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