Minot Monday is made possible through a partnership with BeLOCAL Minot. BeLOCAL is a guide to thriving and loving your local community. Today I’m sharing my five favorite walking trails in Minot, but you can see more about parks and trails here.

I think it’s safe to say our schedules and routines are all looking a little different right now. Due to the global pandemic, schools and work are happening remotely, group gatherings are put on hold and we are all asked to observe social distancing rules. It’s a hard adjustment to make, especially for a busy, community-driven town like Minot. In all the hardship and disruption and disappointment, there are many blessings to be found here in North Dakota.

First of all, social distancing is required as the weather is turning. While we need to keep our distance, individuals are still being encouraged to get outside and enjoy fresh. Second, our state is big and beautiful–we are fortunate to have natural space to spread out. Third, people here are dang nice and our state government is doing a heck of a job staying ahead of this crisis.

These past few weeks, I’ve been especially grateful to wake up each morning in North Dakota.

Minot Monday is going to look different the next few weeks as we ride this out. But just because the “usual” stuff (classes, restaurants, events) aren’t looking usual right now, doesn’t mean we can’t find things to celebrate about our town.

My Favorite Walking Trails in Minot

Today I’m going to share five walking trails in Minot where you can get some distance and fresh air–and watch spring’s magic take over on our stickly, frost-weary trees.

**At the time of writing individuals are asked to practice social distancing and individual responsibility. Isolation mandates are not in place and parks are still open. To help flatten the curve and slow the spread, avoid using public play spaces/restrooms, carry hand sanitizer and keep your distance from others. Please abide by day-to-day recommendations from our state. You can see them here.**

Oak Park

photo via

Gideon and I walk almost daily at Oak Park. Even during peak “crowded” days in the middle of summer there is plenty of space. We walk the walking trail in a big loop around the park and through Camp Owetti. (Quick tip for navigating the trail through Camp Owetti–stay straight for a longer loop.) A highlight for Gideon is reading the walk-by book put up by the library.

Bison Plant Trail

The Bison Plant Trail may be my favorite walk in town. It’s wooded and rural and feel very removed. The 3 mile path is easy to follow and I’ve never seen it crowded. To get there drive SW on 52 toward Logan. The turn off on River Bend Rd is near an old KOA campground. If you get to Bell Elementary (when headed from Minot) you’ve gone too far.

Minot to Burlington Trail

The Minot to Burlington Trail is great for walking, biking, and (my favorite) rollerblading. The trail is straight through 5 miles. A round trip would be 10 miles total. The trail starts at the intersection of the 83 Bypass and 4th Ave NE in Minot and continues to Burlington. Although the trail follows a fairly busy road, it’s set away from the street, paved and goes through a beautiful part of the valley.

Woodland Trail

image via

The Woodland Trail is a packed dirt trail with lots of loops and options. It’s perfect for a walk that feels remote while still being in town. I’d say this is Gideon’s favorite walk. It’s quiet, the path is well packed and easy to walk. The trees are thick and there is no traffic noise. Basically, it’s serene.

To get there take the 83 Bypass South. Just past the entrance to the Bark Park/Jack Hoven park you can turn onto a frontage road that will lead you to the trail. You can see a large “Woodland Trail” sign from 83. If you are headed south and come to 52, you’ve got too far.

The Bark Park Trail

The Bark Park Trail is an easy, paved path perfect for walking, roller blading and biking. The path leads past the Bark Park, past the woods that make up the Woodland Trail and through the golf course. Part of the trail is currently closed, but most of it is still open and it makes a great walk. To get there take the 83 Bypass south. Headed south, you’ll turn left onto 7th Ave SW/25th St SW. Signs are pretty clear.

Whatever your schedule looks like these days, I hope you’re able to get out and enjoy some fresh air as the ground thaws. For more trails and parks see here in BeLOCAL. Be safe. Stay healthy. Wash your hands. Limit your errands. And have a great week.


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