Well, the time has come to make an announcement. And no. the announcement isn’t that I’m pregnant. I find mom life much more enjoyable now that Gideon can eat solids, nap without screaming and sleep all night long. I’m not quite ready to shake up this scene just yet.

I’m getting off topic already.

We’re moving…



Yes. Those are exclamation points. And yes, I’m talking about Minot, ND. As in, only the best come north. All the way north to Practically Canada. As you can see, we are basically ready for our migration. We’ve already got the t-shirts (an no, we didn’t buy them strictly for this photo), awkward Minotauros hat and lefse sticks to prove it.

Now, you know I hate moving. And this time around isn’t much different. I’m not looking forward to it. I love our home and community here in Rapid City. My stomach is in knots just typing up this post. I’ve put off making this official for weeks and weeks. Sorry if you’ve recently asked about our next assignment and I’ve changed the subject…or never returned your text. It’s really hard for me to face the facts when it comes to moving.

However, if I have to be uprooted there are few places I’d rather call home than Minot, ND.  

Unless it’s Maine. Then, yes, please pack my house up–you can expect me tomorrow.

I hear a lot of grumbling about Minot. Mostly from people who have never been. As I’ve told people in the past, it’s not a vacation destination, but it sure is a great place to come home to. I’m excited to return, not only to reconnect with some of the dearest friends I’ve ever known, but also (hopefully) to help shift the very negative vibes that exist about living there.

The reasons Derek and I like Minot so much are hard to explain. To be sure, it’s not the winters, wind or vast amounts of trees. Minot is the perfect place to pursue passions. People are eager to support new ventures (but not too new….because the locals are really slow on change.) There is community of people there who are striving side by side to make the town more fun, more inviting and more impactful.

It’s a place where an idea can become a reality, because you are usually only one or two acquaintances away from “the person you need to talk to.” It’s a place where you can pick up curling, square dancing, and accordion playing. You can be a story-time reader, an artist, an advocate. You can openly rollerblade without getting made fun of and have a “usual” order at three restaurants in town. I know, because I’ve done all those things.

I told you. It’s hard to explain. I’ll give it my best shot over the next few years.

Here’s a bit of timeline (because I know some of you will be asking.) Derek has to do a training refresher this summer. So, we’ll be headed up in the fall. Maybe before then to do a little house hunting. Basically I’m not sure when we’ll all be up and ready to unpack, but I do know it’s on the horizon.

And to everyone who put off coming to visit us while we lived in a tourist destination…Sorry, Charlie. In about 6 months if you want to darken our doorstep you’ll have to come to Minot.

I’m continuing to pray that God would renew my mind and heart when it comes to moving. So that this transition would be smooth and joyful–instead of wracked with anxiety and grief. I know God can do all things, and that kind of mind renewal for me would be a bigger miracle than Him cancelling our orders and making a way for us to stay put in Rapid City forever. If you are up for a prayer request, I’d love your intercession. While I’m nervous on the surface deep down, I think God has some really, really good things in store for us in Practically Canada.

So there. Now I’ve said it. It’s on the Internet and it’s official. We’re moving north. Uffda! It’s going to be oh-fer-fun!

xo Amy


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